Amanda was home from school this week, though we were all at the office quite a bit and didn't get to do much. There was bridal shower prep to do and she and I discovered we're not ideal planning partners. But we focused on making it nice for Avery and got through the stress of it.
February 24
Several nights a week, Aiden makes himself an egg and cheese sandwich. He was trying out the new gadget he bought that makes the sandwich all in one step.
February 25
For close to 15 years, a color-coded, handwritten, paper calendar has hung in our kitchen, in an effort to know appointments, activities, sports, events, whats for dinner, etc. It was a really great system that worked well and the kids, particularly our foster kids, took a measure of comfort in.
Now we're down to just four living in the house and our family calendar is shared online. Its a silly thing, but taking down the calendar felt like the ending of an era. A reminder of one of my favorite verses now hangs in its place.
February 26
Amanda and I ran a few shower errands. What a happy thing flowers are in February!
February 27
We brought in lunch for the office to welcome back a co-worker who had a baby.
February 28
I stopped in to check on the flower project and Amy and Amanda had it well under way.
I found a bunch of pictures of the girls being silly. Its a crazy thought that Avery has just a couple more months of kicking around in our kitchen. Soon it will be the exception, not the norm.
March 1
Aiden had his first outdoor soccer game of the year. It was pretty chilly so I wasn't too sad to be at the office instead of the field.
Me: Aiden, you look really nice with your shirt tucked in, your brown shoes and belt.
Aiden: I looked in the mirror and thought, I look like Pop! 😁
March 2
Avery's bridal shower day!