I love reading other peoples "About" pages....its a nice efficient way to determine if there is anything relatable, if there is a sliver of intrigue that would cause me to spend some time reading through the pages of a blog.
If we were meeting in person, I'd be much more interested in hearing about you than talking about me, but since this is the Internet, and you've found your way to my blog, I guess its my turn to talk.
In the beginning of 2008, I opened up this little space in order to document the fleeting days of my little ones growing rapidly before my eyes and also to keep out-of-town family apprised of the goings on in our lives.
What I could never have anticipated is how much I would love to blog.
Sometimes this is a place for me to tap out feelings that I'm having trouble sorting through. Sometimes its a place of connection....I've met some incredible women who I consider friends and have the privilege of swapping prayer requests and answers to prayer with. Other times it's a photo dump with a little journaling.
When do we get to the "about" part of this About Page?
Ok. At 19 I married the man who I was officially dating when I was 16 and in May of 1994 we were married. He is God's gift to me and I've marveled many times that love can grow with the number of our wrinkles and not slowly diminish over time.
Though we spent the first ten years sure we were all set without kids, we did eventually add a few. Avery, Amanda and Aiden are all teenagers now. The cliche "they filled a hole in my heart I didn't even know was there" fits me perfectly....I love being a mom!
So much so that in 2011 we became licensed therapeutic foster parents, which mostly means the placements we get are intended to be longer term. It also means the kids are most often 8-18 years of age. Its been a growing, dying-to-self experience that I'm so very grateful for. The kids who have come through our doors are so special and really embrace having someone who genuinely cares about them.
I love to run and have completed two marathons and many halfs. Most mornings I get up early and run...it is time alone and clears my head for the things I'll face that day. I like the quote, "It's fine. I ran today."
At 39, September 2014, I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer and at 47 I had a recurrence, which we're currently walking through.
To tell you my story is to tell of Him.
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