Saturday, February 22, 2025

Project 365, Week 7

We're working through these winter weeks. Yes, its busy with tax season, but its the perfect weather to be inside working. And the days were punctuated with some special things.

February 10
Avery hosted a Murder Mystery party at our house for Jack's birthday. (I'll post more separately.)

February 11
Amanda was still home and she buzzed around trying to help where she could. She tackled Aiden's bathroom, just to bless him. She sent me before and after pictures...for the benefit of all, I'll just post the "after".

I was terribly annoyed to have my test day land on a day when Amanda was home, but it actually went as smooth as it could. Seeing this lady's Strawberry Shortcake phone case, I could almost smell my doll from 40 years ago.

I tried to convince Amanda to be a college dropout but she took the road less traveled and headed back to Pennsylvania. It was so good to have her around for an extended weekend!

February 12
Aiden had a school delay so I took him to shovel and we stopped to bring donations to the local food pantry. New this year, Nathan is offering a coupon to every client who brings in two or more donations.  In the past I've thought that the candy and giveaways we have at the front desk provide an interesting case study of people, but this donation thing is an even deeper look into human nature. Fascinating.

February 13
Amy's screenshot is the only picture I had from the day. I know we're still paying dearly for the pandemic fallout, but we're also living with some of the benefits. Telemedicine with my doctors in NYC has been life-impactful.

February 14
These three posed weeks before for our last Valentine's card, willingly. I updated a post with all the years here. How can life flash through in just a couple of scrolls?? Goodness, I love these three and it is an absolute wonder to me that they love me too.

Festive at the office. :)

I was leaving TBQ practice when Shaun asked me out to dinner. We were both tired but I'm so glad we went to do a cliche date on Valentine's Day! He's one of the good ones and he's mine.

February 15
TBQ Meet, last one before districts. There were quite a few kids out sick and a storm was expected in the afternoon, so we switched things around last minute and shortened the day a bit.

Dakota's mom is with a really sweet guy right now. He asked us to babysit so he could take her on a surprise Valentine's date.

February 16
Church was canceled, so they were out early. Avery can always be counted for wanting to go sledding. It was a cold, icy, wet mix and I'm thankful for the hard work my crew did to get everything clear.


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Numbering Days, Week 135-137

We can own our sense of wonder. There are unseen blessings and miracles happening constantly. We can allow our hearts to be delighted, to remember the good and the beautiful. Its not a denial that life is hard, its an acknowledgement that fear and darkness do not have the final say. 

From the moment we take our first breaths, our days are numbered, so how we live matters. 
The decisions we make-the important ones and, yes, the mundane ones too-they all matter. 
Everyday decisions add up to the life we live. ~Sally Clarkson

This past week I did blood work and a scan. I helped a woman find the paper towels in the restroom and I marveled that it could be her first time in the building. I chatted with a woman who was a bundle of nerves waiting to get called back for her annual scan. Its a strange world to be so familiar with.

A few days later I had a lengthy conversation with my doctor, who I hadn't seen in a while. She is satisfied that the test results came back unchanged. And so, we'll stick with the on again, off again schedule indefinitely. I always hate to give chemo any credit, lest it motivates the doctor to keep giving it 😉, but I think the intensity of my pain has lessened in the last month and for any little relief, I am grateful.

There are two more infusions to round out this group of eight and then I will take a break...I'll be able to focus on tax season, on Amanda's graduation and Avery's wedding, and precious, beautiful ordinary days.


Friday, February 14, 2025

Twenty Years of Valentines

Time. I think about it so often. How short it is, how quickly it goes, how precious it is, how thankful I am. Valentines is one of the ways we have consistently marked time through the years. From the time Avery was 0 years old to now when she is very nearly 20 years old and all the ways the faces of the group have changed through the years...twenty years of learning to love.

Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds.