A combination of us spent a lot of this week at the apartment with Shaun, but those end up being pretty boring pictures. ;) The week had a very nice summer vibe to it.
August 5
I signed Amanda and Aiden up for swim lessons at the town lake. It ended up that Amanda learned everything they could teach her in the first lesson and we moved Aiden's level and time slot several times in the eight days, but it all worked out. This first evening was a lovely one to sit out.
For a year, J has had a strong desire to join our church on a mission's trip to Guatemala. With help from family and lots of her own earnings, she was able to go. At 8PM the shuttle left the church for their NYC departure. Her youth pastor matched her up with the sweetest roommate who was from a different church but we were able to spend some time with prior to the trip.
August 6
Friends were staying at a beautiful place on the beach. When I went to take family photos for them, my family joined me and the kids had a blast playing together.
August 7
No, you cannot do screens.
August 8
Amanda's favorite store is Staples...she was super anxious to get her school supplies and organize it all.
August 9
Games and dinner out with a gift card.
August 10
There is a song that says, Lord, I need you, oh I need you. Every hour I need you. Me! That's me. The moments I take in the mornings to get alone with God are everything to me. And my spot on the back porch early on summer mornings is a slice of heaven. So life-giving.
August 11
Off on an adventure!
It was an old Victorian-style house, so we felt right at home.
The porch wrapped around the entire house, maximizing the views.