Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Project 365, Week 8

The kids had two days off of school for winter break...they've been disappointed by the mild winter we've had and are pining for snow. I don't share their feelings on it. It's always nice to have them around, it also makes things a little more complicated.

February 17
I was able to live-stream Erika's funeral, which was held in Oklahoma. So many layers of feelings. I don't understand why I get to be here with my family and she doesn't. My surgeon told me a couple times she wanted to get me to my kids' graduations and weddings. Erika's boys will not have their mom at those events. The daily life we live, and the influence we have on matters in the end. 

February 18
Avery worked on her day off of school, which allowed me to be with the other two. I surprised them (and myself a little ;) with roller skating. It was intentional time pursuing my kids hearts, something that was needed. Quite possibly I was a teen the last time I was on roller skates, but it came back surprisingly quickly. My abilities earned me some admiration from my teen! :)

While I was at indoor soccer with Aiden, Amanda was home putting dinner together. Sometimes she's feeling it.

February 19
Aiden had a science experiment to do which required volunteers to taste test food items while blindfolded. His sisters were eager to participate.

February 20
Yikes!! Aiden and I spent an hour at the middle school, in an orientation for the "gifted and talented" program he'll be continuing next year. My mind cannot conceive that my little guy is headed to middle school in a matter of months.

February 21
When we met to practice the fine arts drama, youth group had set up some fun up lighting.

February 22
A blessed slow, quiet Saturday!! Accompanied by spring fever. The kids played and explored in the woods. I love that Avery can still be the ring leader for their make-believe play.

After 14 straight days at the office, it was so nice to not go in!

Shaun got home from the office early and the five of us played the train game. So lovely to be together.

February 23
Amanda had a sleep over the night before and when I got home from JBQ I found them lounging in the hot tub.

Back at church for Passion rehearsal. The kids got their costumes and I got to hang with the three kids for a bit.

On the drive home, we pulled off at our sunset spot, a beautiful close to a good weekend.

Friday, February 21, 2020

February's 10 on 10

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month (Monday). {Document a snapshot 
of your life; find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

A very favorite tradition with a favorite mug. 

The days being lighter for longer is measurable by the girls' 7am bus pick up. Nearly everyday Shaun and I watch them until they are safely on their way, silently praying for protection and strength for their day.

It was lightly raining when Aiden, Ginger and I went out to wait for the bus. Mostly I'm thankful for the rain but a piece of me also wishes for snow for the kids who have missed sledding so much.

Shaun asked me to swap with him so he could be at the office and I could be home with the glass repair guy. It was a glorious 20 minutes at home with no one else there. I put in a load of laundry, made some coffee and did up the morning dishes. It was delightful. And then I paid the glass guy $366. Humph!

A fun surprise for the day was the front desk person quitting with no warning. We scrambled to figure out the kids, getting two of them to and from two separate jobs.

Waiting for me in the mail was the sweetest package, a T-shirt specially ordered for me from my niece. "But God" sums up my life pretty well. I was lost, but God. Life is overwhelming, but God. I wouldn't have had a purpose, but God. I am wildly ill-equipped to live my life, but God. I don't have enough love, joy, peace, patience, but God. I would fear death, but God.

We got home at 7 and it was time to do all the things.

Avery joined us once they were done at their babysitting and restaurant jobs and Avery dove right into homework.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Project 365, Week 7

This was a busy work week, all seven days of it. We've been doing it long enough that mostly I can put things into a special tax season "bucket" and know that its just a season. And the hard that we're doing now pays off all summer with the amazing flexibility that we have. I also remember that one of the very first things God did was give Adam a job...God designs us to work and I'm thankful.

February 10
Ginger at her post, keeping track of the goings-on of her family and the neighborhood.

February 11
With Shaun and Avery closing the office, many evenings its just the three of us.

February 12
Kim stopped by with flowers for me and gifts for the heart was full to have five kids in my kitchen talking over each other with stories and laughing. So much of our love is not so light and easy, so I breathe it in when it is.

February 13
The slightest dusting of icy snow made the brown pretty for a few hours.

February 14
No card or flowers or date or any expectation of those things. Romance is Shaun working a full day and then doing a couple late-night kid drop off/pick ups because he knows how painful it is for me to be out late. We stole an hour at the kitchen counter together and that was perfect. I definitely have an everyday romance kind of guy.

EVERYDAY ROMANCE has less to do with roses, chocolates, and sparkly things and more to do with fragrant offerings of service, gracious words and diamond-like strength to persevere, formed through the pressures of trials and pain. Those are the hard-won fragrant, sweet and dazzling tokens that keep love alive in the everyday. -Ruth Simons

February 15
Avery was scheduled to work the front desk but she had a late-night soccer game the night before and Sarah also slept over so I offered to cover for her. Shaun was able to leave mid-afternoon...he took the kids to the mall (an activity they all enjoy and I have no tolerance for). He sent me a picture of the boys settled in for a long afternoon. :)

February 16
The girls spent the night at friends houses, so it was just us with Aiden. He's fun to pal around with and he's getting good at crossword puzzles!

He also got a call back from auditions, which he had mixed feelings about. Its so good for him to be stepping out of his comfort zone.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Project 365, Week 6

As I put together this week I marveled at how much outside life happened since the week felt very tax-season heavy. Nice to get some perspective! I love the stage that the kids are in right now...its hard but its also so fun to watch them grow into the people they are with talents and interests.

February 3
Pop took the three girls to a UCONN women's basketball game...they had so much fun! So special!

February 4
The kids expressed a desire to put a drama together for Fine Arts. Since there is no official program through our church this year, Amy and I stepped in to help facilitate it. Fun fact: we reached out to our youth pastor (from when we were teens) for one of the skits he's authored. Oh the hours we spent rehearsing with him back in the day!!

February 5
Pacing on the furniture = studying

February 6
My best baker.

February 7
We met before youth group to work on the skit. Such a fun group!

Aiden's school was doing a Mother/Son bowling fundraiser. The very first ball I threw (bowled??) I got a strike, but it was downhill from there. We joined up with three other boys from Aiden's class. He's chosen a nice little group to be-friend and I enjoyed getting to know the moms better.

February 8
Sadly, our car was broken into overnight...the window was smashed and Shaun's wallet was taken. I sent Aiden out at 730AM to make sure all the trash was out of it since we were loading it full of Bible quizzers and that's when it was discovered. Thankfully, that gave me just enough time to make alternative arrangements for transporting the kids.

My niece placed in the top ten...her diligent studying paying off!

When we got back, I wanted to show the kids by example that we leave things better than we find them. So my friend's van that I borrowed for the day got a vacuum, a car wash and a full tank of gas. Two of the kids had never been in a car wash before so it definitely made an impression. Kids are always watching.

February 9
Aiden determined that he wanted to try out for a part in the Easter production. I admired his bravery! And yes...its already that time of year...Easter is in less than two months!

We had friends over for dinner and my three bigs and their two littles had playing together! The next day Avery reported that her throat felt a little hoarse from laughing so much at the little one. :)

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Project 365, Week 5

This week was saying a final goodbye and then losing my friend who's had cancer for several years. She was 37 and had to leave her husband and two teen boys. I don't understand it all. But I trust and believe that this was not the end for her, but instead the beginning of life in eternity, where all the good and true things we enjoy here on earth are super-sized beyond what we can imagine.

January 27
I think they were watching the latest Dude Perfect video.

January 28
I was walking the track, listening to a podcast but when I stopped to watch Aiden for a few minutes I noticed he kept glancing my way to make sure I was watching. So I set up a post and watched him do his thing, thankful he notices and appreciates my presence and support.

January 29
My helper in the kitchen. :)

January 30
The delight and torment of a trip to the library...where to begin??

January 31
Walking the literal and proverbial path of life with a friend. We didn't solve anything, but fresh air and time spent together made things bearable for some moments. We were made for celebrate the good times and to bear each others burdens during the hard.

February 1
Amanda planned a Super Bowl party with a group of friends from church. I wanted it to be a special thing for us to do together, so I breathed in patience over and over and over.

Side note: after we took this picture she touched my checks and asked if I'd ever thought about plastic surgery or some type of injection as she marveled about how loose the skin on my cheeks is. Ha! My only experience with a plastic surgeon is the one who did my final(ish) cancer surgery and he left an 8-inch scar. Also, when you come very close to dying and then you live, loose skin and wrinkles are a reminder that you get to get old.

February 2
Finally the day arrived and the party was a success! Our methods are different but it was sweet to watch Amanda put so much care into making it perfect.