Friday, July 26, 2019

July's 10 on 10

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month (Wednesday). {Document a snapshot of your life; find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

This captures so many life-giving things to me...ritual, quiet early mornings, sunshine, God's words of love and truth.

Slow summer mornings.

Avery wrote some overdue thank you notes.

I did some filing and calling the insurance company, which saved me $147.

J wanted her sisters' opinion on her new glasses.

We went to the apartment building to paint and clean.

Dad usually involves some sort of treat.

I'm so enjoying my potted flowers, even the act of watering and tending them every day.


Sunday, July 21, 2019

Project 365, Week 27

Another summer week. Yay for summer!! This was extra special because of Independence Day and also having family in town. We missed Avery and Amanda who were away at church camp, but it went by fast.

July 1
The junior high kids were off to camp for the week in New Hampshire.

July 2
I have no picture, though its kind of a big day for me. It marks the anniversary of my major surgery in 2015. I don't ever allow myself to really dwell on it for too long but I did some processing this day. Its hard. But also, I'm so thankful.

July 3
Aiden was not sad to lose two sisters for the week. He is tearing through the chapter books, currently re-reading some of his favorite series.

The girls were having SO much fun at camp!

July 4
Sweet pic from July 4th seven short years ago.

This 4th was an extra big celebration...the twins FIRST birthday! We got to all gather at their grandparents house on the lake. What fun to be together and on the water!

July 5
We have an apartment vacancy and have spent much time working on the apartment and the outside of the building. Its an old house, so the list seems to never shorten.

Aiden saved up for a lego set and it arrived! He was anxiously awaiting his dad to arrive so they could build it.

He's been swinging a golf club nearly every day.

The week's winning team. :)

July 6

July 7
Pool day and pizza with the gang.