Thursday, September 17, 2020

Project 365, Week 36

This week brought summer to an unofficial close, with school starting and Labor Day celebrated. It only gets us back into a partial routine, but we'll take it.

August 31
All of the cliches about them getting old, time passing too quickly, etc. 

Its commonly known that the world is a weird place right now. Remote learning varied in effectiveness over the spring from kid to kid in our household but overall we felt like it was best to send them this fall as much as the school would take them. For us, that means Mondays and Thursdays in school, the other days at home are spent sort of, kind of, (but not really) learning online (the exception being Avery, who is loaded down with AP classes where the motto, apparently is, the show must go on! And she really thrives on the independent learning).

Our kids are 3 of 4 who ride the bus in the morning. Last year we were in four different schools with three different departure times in the morning. This year two schools (middle and high school are connected by a hallway) and one departure time, which obviously streamlines life considerably!

Shaun and I  didn't waste any time...we got right to our morning date. I love pal-ing around with this guy.

In the afternoon we walked to the bus stop to greet the kids and hear about their day (which largely went smoothly).

September 1
And then, just like that Tuesday came and they were home all day again.  Shaun and I are splitting time, trying to run a business at the office and monitoring internet usage and sibling squabbles at home. This picture has nothing to do with that, just that my hydrangeas are still happy and providing fresh blooms.

I was going through some old photos, looking for old Lobster Fest photos and came across so many fun ones.

Amanda had the house smelling amazing when I got home.

September 2
Aiden was here.

September 3
I went out with friends, our annual dinner in Mystic on the water. Its such a special tradition and such a blessing to have such amazing ladies in my corner.

September 4
Morning walk light.

We snagged a little window of time to go to the lake on a perfect day. Avery couldn't convince her brother to go in so she swam all by herself.

Kitchen hangs after youth group.

September 5
Gavin wanted his family over to celebrate his 4th birthday. The kids spent hours on the trampoline and running around the yard.

September 6
A perfectly lovely day!

Even though we were missing some VIPs, we opted to carry on with Lobster Fest...Year 16! It was a low-key day...everyone brought food and we played and laughed and ate. We noted that the kids, on the whole, are so easy! They love being together and no one needs naps or close supervision. The teens are hilarious and willing to sit with us and be involved. Its really special.

Making up traditions with this girl for more than two decades. We are all about tradition and we'll be the last two standing (along with our husbands who don't need or understand or appreciate tradition like we do, but they love us so they fully support it).

'06 Club

September 7
The next day, Labor Day, the party moved to Amy's house.

Adding to my collection of C4 in mid-yawn. This delights me greatly. :)


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