Sunday, September 27, 2020

September's 10 on 10

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month (Thursday). {Document a snapshot 
of your life; find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

Putting the time in for my physical and mental health.

We're up to five people on the bus now, including my three.

This is a snapshot of my phone activity during this time of life....notifications about Instagram activity on Avery and Amanda's accounts, Powerschool notifications on all three kids regarding grades and assignments and a message from one of the girls, asking if a friend can come over, letting me know of a change in practice time, or sometimes just an "I love you". Life is good.

Get your screenings done!!

The two days a week the kids are at school end up being my most productive at work. Hmmm.

I met Aiden off the bus and we took a walk with the dog before I went to pick up the girls...

...from soccer practice.

Randomly, Amanda asked if we could watch The Brady Bunch, which she'd never seen before. I was happy to oblige since her love language is TV/movies. ;)

Hot tub! Usually we have great meaningful conversations. Other times we're telling the kids 'don't splash her', 'don't touch him', 'be kind' and its not very fun. This time out was the latter. All is grace.

Opening night of football!! The fantasy participants were especially excited to get the season underway.


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