Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Eleven Weeks Old
Aiden is getting so big, as you can see by his cheeks and chin...plenty of reserve! He's ever so slowly becoming more sociable and does some cooing and smiling. Though it takes a bit of work, it is so rewarding to see that grin. He likes blowing bubbles, too. Hair is coming out in clumps on the sides of his head...I'm sure it will grow in lighter.
He stills sleeps quite a bit and when he is up he definately prefers to be held, and by me if its an option. I haven't exactly done anything to discourage this...the last borns are supposed to be spoiled, right?

He stills sleeps quite a bit and when he is up he definately prefers to be held, and by me if its an option. I haven't exactly done anything to discourage this...the last borns are supposed to be spoiled, right?

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Project 365, Week 39
I got the wind knocked out of my sails (is that how the saying goes?) for Project 365 this week when my camera was stolen. Every time I pick up my DSLR, I feel like I am learning something new and always trying different things. Not having it has made me realize what an extension of me it really is. On a normal day, I have it in my hands every couple hours.
Counting my blessings, I had just switched out batteries so I could charge my good one. The one that was in my camera when it was taken lasts about 20 pictures before it dies. Also, I had uploaded my pictures the day before so there was only a handful on my (very big) memory card. Unfortunately, my good lense was on at the time, which is a huge bummer.
Anyway, this week it was a little sad taking pictures, but just because I am totally spoiled rotten.
September 20
We had a gang over to watch football. I took a little break from watching to take some pictures of my niece, Alayna. Sweetness.

September 21
My baby girl. Her favorite word right now is, "Sure!"
Counting my blessings, I had just switched out batteries so I could charge my good one. The one that was in my camera when it was taken lasts about 20 pictures before it dies. Also, I had uploaded my pictures the day before so there was only a handful on my (very big) memory card. Unfortunately, my good lense was on at the time, which is a huge bummer.
Anyway, this week it was a little sad taking pictures, but just because I am totally spoiled rotten.
September 20
We had a gang over to watch football. I took a little break from watching to take some pictures of my niece, Alayna. Sweetness.

September 21
My baby girl. Her favorite word right now is, "Sure!"
A family outing to DQ after the camera-stealing incident, taken with my phone.
Love, love to snuggle with my little guy. Safe to say he likes it too.
Shaun set up Aiden's crib so he took a nap in there. Pink sheets was all I had...we'll remedy that soon. This bumper pad I got at my favorite store, TJ M*xx on clearance for $7! Now I just need to get my sister Bethany over here to help me decorate his room/the guest room.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
My Two Best Guys
Its only been a couple days, but I miss my camera! As only an American could say, I need a DSLR camera. :) It does free up some of my time, though, between shooting and processing. Apparently it is more of a time-consuming hobby then I had realized. With all this found time (ha!) I was able to go back and do a little editing of the shoot I did with Aiden and Shaun back at the beginning of August.
The day it was stolen, I jokingly asked Shaun, "You all won't be sad to get a break from me having my camera."...he just smiled in a way that said, you said it, not me. That being said, he was the first one to jump on the computer to do research on my next camera, Lord willing. Love that man!

The day it was stolen, I jokingly asked Shaun, "You all won't be sad to get a break from me having my camera."...he just smiled in a way that said, you said it, not me. That being said, he was the first one to jump on the computer to do research on my next camera, Lord willing. Love that man!

Thursday, September 24, 2009
An Intruder-Part II
Unlike the last post, I am typing this one with two hands...yay...which only means I ought to be doing something other than blogging...but here I sit....the dishes will no doubt wait. :)
The next morning after I'd filed the police report, I went next door to my neighbor's house, where there has been a construction crew working. I asked the three guys if they'd seen anyone on my porch the day before. They said, actually yes.
A man had approached them with a wheel barrel that was clearly stolen. It still had the $250 price tag on it and he was trying to sell it for $30. They described him as being sleezy, with long, stringy hair. After he'd been rejected by them, he continued down the hill to my house, where he found the front door wide open. That's when he called out, and when no one answered he saw his opportunity when he saw my camera sitting there. The construction crew said they saw him walk into my house, but assumed someone had answered and so they went back to their work.

It made me feel better talking to them. I was thankful our house wasn't targeted in a pre-meditated sort of way. It wasn't as if someone noticed that my husband's car was gone and saw it as their chance. Instead, I think it was someone looking for money for their next fix.
I've prayed that this man would have someone come into his path who would aid him in getting the help he needs. I've been thanking God that I am in the position to have someone steal from me instead of being the one who feels the only alternative is to steal from others. He must have been fairly desperate to walk into someone's house in broad daylight when they were clearly home (evidenced by the wide open door). I am only the grace of God away from being just like that man.
The next morning after I'd filed the police report, I went next door to my neighbor's house, where there has been a construction crew working. I asked the three guys if they'd seen anyone on my porch the day before. They said, actually yes.
A man had approached them with a wheel barrel that was clearly stolen. It still had the $250 price tag on it and he was trying to sell it for $30. They described him as being sleezy, with long, stringy hair. After he'd been rejected by them, he continued down the hill to my house, where he found the front door wide open. That's when he called out, and when no one answered he saw his opportunity when he saw my camera sitting there. The construction crew said they saw him walk into my house, but assumed someone had answered and so they went back to their work.

It made me feel better talking to them. I was thankful our house wasn't targeted in a pre-meditated sort of way. It wasn't as if someone noticed that my husband's car was gone and saw it as their chance. Instead, I think it was someone looking for money for their next fix.
I've prayed that this man would have someone come into his path who would aid him in getting the help he needs. I've been thanking God that I am in the position to have someone steal from me instead of being the one who feels the only alternative is to steal from others. He must have been fairly desperate to walk into someone's house in broad daylight when they were clearly home (evidenced by the wide open door). I am only the grace of God away from being just like that man.
But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.
I Corinthians 15:10
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
An Intruder
Yesterday I got all three kids down for naps at the same time and Shaun was out of the house working. Ahhh...precious work time! After a bit, I took a bathroom break, something that doesn't happen very often during the day, as any mother who has had or does have pre-school children plus an infant can attest to.
While I was in there, I suddenly heard a man's voice call out, "Hello, hello, hello?" It was a voice I did not recognize and I'd left the bathroom door partly open since I was alone in the house. My mind started scrambling...what should I do? Well, privacy won out, and I slowly closed the bathroom door and locked it.
I heard several footsteps so I stayed still to try to hear where this person was walking. We have an old, creaky can't exactly sneak around. I was thankful to have my phone clipped to me, as it usually is during business hours. I was debating whether to call Shaun to ask him what to do or to just call 911 but I hadn't heard further noise, so after a few minutes I cautiously opened the door.
Making sure to keep my back against the walls, I made a round downstairs to be sure no one was there. Once I was satisfied that it was just the kids and I in the house, I kind of shrugged my shoulders and went back to work. I must insert here that we have a very open door policy in our home. People come in and out at any hour and it is extremely rare that someone knocks, so part of me was chiding myself for making a big deal out of the situation.
About three hours later I went to grab my camera off the mantel. It wasn't there. Hmm...I could have sworn I'd left it there, must be upstairs then where I was taking pictures of the girls earlier. Not up there either. Mild panic started to set in as I started to put two and two together....the several steps I'd heard earlier. I was positive I'd left it on the mantel, but I asked Shaun to help me look for it anyway. Gone.
At this point I called the local police department and they sent an officer to our house. Thankfully I had original boxes and serial numbers. He did his report and said he'd be checking the pawn shops.
This is the crime scene. I'd propped the front door open to let in some warm air. The mantel is on the right, the tiny half-bath on the left. (Never mind the floors that are in desperate need of refinishing)
That night at dinner I said, for the girls' benefit, "I'm so sad about my camera, I think that only ice-cream will make me feel better." Amanda very sweetly told me that I didn't need to be sad because the policeman was going to help me find my camera. We ended up at Dairy Queen anyway.

There's more to the story, which I'll continue tomorrow, since this is plenty long already. I am grateful that the kids are safe and that I am, too. They were my main concern, obviously and I can't help but give God thanks that I "just happened" to be safely tucked away in the bathroom at the time. There's no way to know what might have happened if I'd come around the corner and surprised him. Today I'm thanking God for his protection for my family.
While I was in there, I suddenly heard a man's voice call out, "Hello, hello, hello?" It was a voice I did not recognize and I'd left the bathroom door partly open since I was alone in the house. My mind started scrambling...what should I do? Well, privacy won out, and I slowly closed the bathroom door and locked it.
I heard several footsteps so I stayed still to try to hear where this person was walking. We have an old, creaky can't exactly sneak around. I was thankful to have my phone clipped to me, as it usually is during business hours. I was debating whether to call Shaun to ask him what to do or to just call 911 but I hadn't heard further noise, so after a few minutes I cautiously opened the door.
Making sure to keep my back against the walls, I made a round downstairs to be sure no one was there. Once I was satisfied that it was just the kids and I in the house, I kind of shrugged my shoulders and went back to work. I must insert here that we have a very open door policy in our home. People come in and out at any hour and it is extremely rare that someone knocks, so part of me was chiding myself for making a big deal out of the situation.
About three hours later I went to grab my camera off the mantel. It wasn't there. Hmm...I could have sworn I'd left it there, must be upstairs then where I was taking pictures of the girls earlier. Not up there either. Mild panic started to set in as I started to put two and two together....the several steps I'd heard earlier. I was positive I'd left it on the mantel, but I asked Shaun to help me look for it anyway. Gone.
At this point I called the local police department and they sent an officer to our house. Thankfully I had original boxes and serial numbers. He did his report and said he'd be checking the pawn shops.
This is the crime scene. I'd propped the front door open to let in some warm air. The mantel is on the right, the tiny half-bath on the left. (Never mind the floors that are in desperate need of refinishing)

There's more to the story, which I'll continue tomorrow, since this is plenty long already. I am grateful that the kids are safe and that I am, too. They were my main concern, obviously and I can't help but give God thanks that I "just happened" to be safely tucked away in the bathroom at the time. There's no way to know what might have happened if I'd come around the corner and surprised him. Today I'm thanking God for his protection for my family.
For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.
Psalm 27:5
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Whirly Twirly Saturday
After Amanda's recital last year, we knew we did not want to put either of our girls back at that dance studio. The teacher was great with little kids, but there was no standard of excellence present. While we are not expecting that our girls will make careers out of dancing, we do want them to learn to do things well. We are happy with the studio that we moved Avery to last year, but they do not take 2 year-olds AND it is 30 minutes away AND its expensive. We wanted each girl to have their own special time, since 98% of what they do is together, so combining them in one class in one studio was not something we really wanted to consider.
In the global scheme of things, this decision does not require as much effort as we've given it, but we have. Last week we went to the open house and they agreed to take our two year-old into the 4 & 5 year-old class because she had a year of experience on her resume. Also because Amanda happened to be well-behaved while we were there and, most importantly, I had my checkbook. :)
She had her first class on Saturday and while I wasn't in love with it, it IS a three-minute drive from our house or a walk on a nice day. Still not settled with the decision but this is where we are now. The pictures will not be consistent...after class the teacher kindly un-invited us to sit in.
Avery had my little camera and was taking pictures, so some of these are hers and some are mine.
In the global scheme of things, this decision does not require as much effort as we've given it, but we have. Last week we went to the open house and they agreed to take our two year-old into the 4 & 5 year-old class because she had a year of experience on her resume. Also because Amanda happened to be well-behaved while we were there and, most importantly, I had my checkbook. :)
She had her first class on Saturday and while I wasn't in love with it, it IS a three-minute drive from our house or a walk on a nice day. Still not settled with the decision but this is where we are now. The pictures will not be consistent...after class the teacher kindly un-invited us to sit in.
Avery had my little camera and was taking pictures, so some of these are hers and some are mine.
Then maidens will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13
Monday, September 21, 2009
Ten Weeks Old
Mr. Man is 10 weeks old. We've started getting smiles everyday from him, which is so much fun. He seems to be recognizing and looking for his sisters more, too. Clothes are getting too small for him by the day and my pile of it-doesn't-fit-anymore is becoming a tower. Walks are enjoyable to him; I think it is the combination of the fresh air and sunshine and the fact that I am carrying him.
Not wanting to take this time for granted, I try to enjoy every minute with him. Aiden is a love and his cheeks get lots of kisses and nuzzles.

This week he has started to gain enough control that he is able to find his thumb. Its stinkin' cute but I can't let him continue with it....there've been too many horror stories about the damage it does and how difficult it is to break. Soon, I think, we'll be able to put a toy in his hand instead. He's begun drooling, so he'll be wanting to chomp on something.
Not wanting to take this time for granted, I try to enjoy every minute with him. Aiden is a love and his cheeks get lots of kisses and nuzzles.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Project 365, Week 38
September 13
I went to pack up a change of clothes for the girls for after church and I discovered that Avery was way ahead of me. The night before she laid out the clothes she wanted to wear, complete with a matching barrette and this is just how I found it. This girl is way into clothes and maybe even has a future career in the military (please God, no).
September 14
First dance class for this new dance season. Avery is in Pre-Ballet with 3-5 year-olds. After she got herself dressed and packed up her own bag, she was walking around the yard. When I spotted her from the kitchen window my breath caught and my eyes welled up...she is getting so big and grown-up, turning into a little lady. I asked God, as I so often do, to give me wisdom and strength to be the mother I need to be and the woman I want her to see.

September 15
Amanda came to Aiden's aid when he was crying. Very generously, she lined up her three most favorite stuffed animals right next to him while singing Jesus Loves Me.

I went to pack up a change of clothes for the girls for after church and I discovered that Avery was way ahead of me. The night before she laid out the clothes she wanted to wear, complete with a matching barrette and this is just how I found it. This girl is way into clothes and maybe even has a future career in the military (please God, no).
First dance class for this new dance season. Avery is in Pre-Ballet with 3-5 year-olds. After she got herself dressed and packed up her own bag, she was walking around the yard. When I spotted her from the kitchen window my breath caught and my eyes welled up...she is getting so big and grown-up, turning into a little lady. I asked God, as I so often do, to give me wisdom and strength to be the mother I need to be and the woman I want her to see.
September 15
Amanda came to Aiden's aid when he was crying. Very generously, she lined up her three most favorite stuffed animals right next to him while singing Jesus Loves Me.
Caught a smile, which I get everyday now!
Shaun and the girls went mini-golfing for the first time. It was unclear what the final score was, but everyone was happy because Daddy got the blue ball, Avery got the pink ball and Amanda got the purple is good. :)
A face I love, hangin' out in his sisters' room.
Cousin Allie's 5th birthday party. The girls had a blast being princesses for a day and decorating crown and glass-slipper shaped cookies.
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