Friday, March 8, 2013

Being What God Wants Us to Be

This morning I read in Ecclesiastes: Do not be quick in spirit to be angry or vexed, for anger and vexation lodge in the bosom of fools.

Part of righteousness, or the right way of being what God wants us to be, is fulfilling our potential...and we cannot do that unless we learn to restrain our anger.

Today, as the day went on and the snow continued to fall and my nose got stuffier, I was tested on this. We had nearly cleared out the piles of snow from the last crazy storm and now we have over a foot again.  Anytime it snows in March its just disheartening.

And what is the deal with this constant sickness??  I've gone years without being sick and since November I haven't even gone days.  I eat very healthy, get plenty of exercise and adequate sleep...WHY am I sick??

Shaun says its because we now have three kids bringing home school germs.  Maybe so, but I was not created with a high tolerance for all things sick.

Neither of these things matters with even the slightest bit of perspective, so I'll stop whining.  :)

Avery and I spent a little time making plans for her new bedroom this afternoon.  Can't believe it was just a couple short years ago when I was the only decision-maker while picking out paint and bedding for the girls' room....they will definitely want input this time.  :)

Anyway, she was going through pages of choices, making comments of different ones.  She said, I really like this one, except I wish that top pillow was over here (pointing to the right so it could be centered).

That is SO her personality.  She is her mother's daughter.  :)


  1. Hope spring comes soon to CT, and with it comes health and no sickness for you in this new season! Hugs.

  2. I agree - the pillow bugs me too! But the bedding is cute.

    Mike is sick a lot because of school contact. You'd think that college students wouldn't be such a hive of germs, but you'd think wrong!

  3. Nice job Avery !!!! I love it :)

    Can't wait to see what Amanda picks.

  4. Amen, Avery! I thought the same thing about that pillow!


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