Sunday, January 19, 2014

Project 365, Week 3

This week I celebrated a birthday, which is always fun.  So many people went out of their way to make it a special day for me, as it was!

Shaun's been dealing with some pretty high-stress situations.  Being a landlord is not for wimps!

January 12
Shaun and the kids picked me up from a photoshoot and Shaun wanted to check out the bridge that I love and is one of my go-to spots to take pictures.

So sweet to watch him and Amanda skipping down the path.
 January 13
Family dinners at our house have been scarce with Shaun's work and R's track and the girls basketball practices and school night bedtimes.  Because we can't ALL be together, I'd kind of given up.  But then I realized the weeks were going by and almost no family dinners were happening.

So I finally decided that some family is better than no family and have renewed my efforts to get us sitting around the table together, albeit it missing a member or two.  Along with that effort, we are going to have "Manners Monday" and I'm going to systematically teach them proper etiquette and table manners.

After a few initial grumbles, they were fully on board and are now really excited about it.
 January 14
My free spirit asked me to drop her off before we arrived home so she could run in the rain.  Love her!
 January 15
I'm so, so grateful to be given another year of life!

Now when asked how old I am, my answer will be the same for many years to come....39!  My friend's dad has been 39 for as long as I've known him (25 years) and its worked well for him.  ;)
 My day was full and blessed.  I was humbled by the cards and messages I received and amazed that I have such incredible people in my life who care about me. blessed!

 January 16
We take our "mud" room seriously around here, and I didn't know this, but if you stack all the muddy boots into a pile, they make a nice ramp.
January 17
No picture.

January 18
Avery played in fierce my old high school gym!

Controlled chaos in the toddler room at church.
Hope you have a great week!


  1. Love the one of you and your 3!!!

  2. So sad I missed your birthday! Glad it was great!

    Good for you in your renewed efforts for dinner around the table...something I worked hard at when my kids were small and I feel is so important. And something I know is not easy with multiple kids!!!

  3. Happy birthday! I love Manners Monday - I could use some manners I'm sure :)

    Did he use the shovel to get the shoes into that pile? I would - but I imagine he doesn't mind getting dirty - ha!


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