Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Outtakes Besttakes

The other day we had gorgeous weather AND a half day of school, so I asked the kids if we could go on a hike/photoshoot. I had almost no expectations (good thing!) of the photoshoot, my primary goal was just to hang out with them and get fresh air and exercise. They got themselves dressed in whatever they wanted and we set off.

You'll see we found a beautiful spot. Here are some photos from our adventuring / photoshooting, outtake-style.

Aiden picked me flowers and Amanda asked us to re-create the scene so she could document it. It has a watercolor feel to it, don't you think? ;)

Any hope I had of salvaging a little time for photos was dashed by the discovery of an enormous earth worm.

My heart!



  1. Those are great! I started to name the ones I love best, but there are too many :)

  2. wow, your son looks so much like you husband. Great photos! Glad you are able to be out having these moments with you kids. So nice!

  3. What happened to little Aiden - totally looks like a little man!


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