Friday, November 6, 2020

Project 365, Week 43

This quote sums up my week...

Beauty is one of the richest graces God has provided to heal our souls and absorb his goodness.
 ~John Eldridge

October 19
We got to watch a home game, which is in the middle of the track that we ran weekly all spring and summer. And now its fall. And all the thoughts about time and seasons and seizing the day.

We were excited to see Avery get lots of minutes in the varsity game and Amanda went in too (and Aiden was ball boy :).

There they are, together! Even though they don't fully appreciate it now, someday they'll love the fact that they got to play three years of high school together, Lord willing.

October 20

I've been heading out on a walk with the dog once the kids are whisked away on the school bus. I breath in nature and talk to God and come back just a little bit changed.

October 21

It just happened to work out that my dad reached out about bike riding on a beautiful and the kids had a half day. He let them choose which bike path they wanted to do and they all had fun. Avery took some pictures of their beautiful route. I'm so glad it worked for them to all special!

From the new office I have a view of the farm where I go to watch sunrises/ car I could be there in 15 seconds.

October 22

My best shrub trimmer was on the job.

October 22

It was such a beautiful day, Aiden and I went to a local park. He ran a two-mile loop in preparation for his cross country meet while I chatted with other dog owners.

My hydrangeas are still blooming!

October 23

Our walking path is just gorgeous right now!

I love when there is a rainbow of colors, orange, yellow, green.

Senior night for the girls soccer team. It was a bit sobering for Shaun and I, knowing that in two short years that will be Avery.

October 24

After their early-morning soccer tournament, I brought the girls to Hartford where they joined with other youth to serve the local community. Made me think of the Matthew West song:

I woke up this morning
Saw a world full of trouble now, thought
How'd we ever get so far down, and
How's it ever gonna turn around
So I turned my eyes to Heaven
I thought, "God, why don't You do something?"
Well, I just couldn't bear the thought of
People living in poverty
Children sold into slavery
The thought disgusted me
So, I shook my fist at Heaven
Said, "God, why don't You do something?"
He said, "I did, yeah, I created you" (now listen)
If not us, then who
If not me and you
Right now, it's time for us to do something, yeah
If not now, then when
Will we see an end
To all this pain
Oh, it's not enough to do nothing
It's time for us to do something

October 25

When I peeked out the window, I could tell the sunrise was going to be extra special, so I hopped in the car and went to the farm. Its a flat, deserted road so the dog and I were able to run laps up and down while we took in the show. Amazing!

Family leaf-removal day (which was actually just a couple hours). It was very painful to involve the kids but we pressed on and got it to a good point.

Most of the Bible Quiz team earned an outing, so we took them to a corn maze for the afternoon, complete with a hayride and ice cream. We split into two teams and the kids made quick work of the maze. If I'd been on my own trying to find the way out, I would've spent the winter there.

Such a fun group and I'm so amazed (no pun intended) at how hard they've worked.



  1. Well this was a glorious post! So lovely where you live...

    How far apart are you & Amy? Curious to know if your girls are mirroring how you grew up & how you & Amy got along. I don't have a sister, but my cousin had two & it was both fraught & fabulous for all of them :)

  2. We're 22 months apart. When we hit high school, we discovered what a great friend we had in each other. Our school was small and, being only one grade apart, we shared many of the same friends, in youth group as well.

  3. Lisa
    I haven’t been here forever. Can’t believe how grown up the kids are. Pray all is well for you and your family. Thanksgiving Blessings. LuAnn


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