New life, new driver, holidays and so much work. Life is hard and oh so good.
June 28
The site guys came out to the building and created four parking spots in the front of the building. Amazing how quickly machines can get work done.
Breathing in the morning sunshine before the world is awake. I've been fighting some mental and spiritual battles and I've had to do a lot of extra work to be ok. My best go-to is talking it out with God in His creation. When I make Him big in my mind instead of shrinking Him to something I can easily understand, life goes better.
A new life to love! Little Rosalie was born to Kim and Ronnie and we can't wait to meet her.
July 1
This was the first night for the 6th grade graduates to move from Junior Bible Quiz to Teen Bible Quiz. The room was buzzing and there was excitement in the air and its encouraging to see the group grow.
The kids arranged to be at Sarah's for swimming and games so we dropped them off and went to dinner and Home Depot, just the two of us. I can't even imagine the hours we've spent in these aisles over the years, walking among the lumber and electrical and flooring and lighting making decisions for properties we're improving and caring for, often with very little money. We don't have "our song" but we have "our smell"...fresh lumber, sheetrock, a new coat of paint.
Aiden is being trained and entrusted with more and more power tools. He was proud to have me watch him operate the one that throws off sparks.
My only picture, a random business. Once the work on the parking lot happened, we realized we had to go to a plan B for the layout. You know you're adulting when you spend hours talking about parking lot design.
Independence Day! After church we went to our church picnic. Rain was in the forecast, but it turned out to be perfect weather!
ooooh....I love the B&W of our house/people. So funny that you guys have a smell...but also makes so much sense! xoxo