10 pictures on the 10th day (Friday) of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life...find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
Aiden and I are early-morning buddies, working out and reading through the Bible, but not together. He doesn't want me showing him up with my 5 lb weights, I think is the reason. Or, maybe its just that he's like me and his dad in that alone time each day is necessary. Then, he eats protein pancakes.
Amanda, on the other hand can wake up and be off to her day in about 10 minutes. Only this time she missed the bus and then needed a ride. Can we be done with the school year??
Two hugely impactful-to-me things to come out of covid times...telemedicine appointments (many less trips to Manhattan!!) and grocery pickup. Lifting things is tough for me, so I'm very happy to pay $4.99 for someone else to do my shopping and load it in my car. You can see from the plant that I got "just the essentials".
By 9 AM, I was ready for a 20-minute nap and this was the spot.
After being kicked out for some of tax season, I'm back in my front window office, very happily.
I hitched a ride with Amy and Colombo for the 4.5 hour trip to PA for a funeral the next day. Our friend Bob came along as well, since his wife was in Italy at the time. It was a different combo but we had such a great time together.
Avery was so sweet to check in each day from Italy. It was wonderful to see her face and it was helpful to hear about the trip in real time.
Hampton Inn's promise at the front door and they did not disappoint.
We got checked in and then walked across the parking lot to dinner. Thankful for people, specifically my people.
Inadvertently I drank caffeine late in the afternoon. As a result, Amy and I had a lovely slumber party of sorts, talking later into the night than I'm usually awake for. It was special.
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