Friday, January 31, 2025

Project 365, Week 4

Winter days filled with stunning beauty, laughing children, sacrificial love and grinding out another treatment.

January 20
We woke up to a beautiful morning! There was snow removal to do, but equally as important, sledding and snowboarding. :) Since there was no school, we had Dakota overnight. Avery got him snow-ready in a variety of way-too-big snow gear and everyone was happy. 

On the drive to take him back home I had to stop a couple times. It was just so pretty!

January 21
We showed up to my usual building, only to find out that they'd scheduled treatment in Manhattan. While I was being frustrated, Shaun was booking a parking garage and within moments we were back in the car on our way. It seemed to us the skyline had changed yet again since the last time we drove this route. 

It was a major inconvenience but in the end it worked out.

January 22
No Picture

January 23
By the afternoon, I was. downstairs and able to read!

January 24
I was happy to see these faces from PA while they did a brief outing. They are perfectly suited for each other and I'm so thankful God put them together.

January 25
Family cards. :)

January 26
Aiden so sweetly made everyone popcorn to accompany the football game. Its a bummer that the season is nearly over, but we have to be done with football before spring can come, right?


1 comment:

  1. I almost missed this post! I'm really glad you have a fixit guy who can help in any crisis.


Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world.