When daylight stretches longer and the temperatures warm, I more readily see beauty. What a delight to watch all of nature start to wake!
“The rushing world has convinced us that beauty is something extra, not the thing itself." ~Christie Purifoy
March 10
Ginger and I stepped out to enjoy some warm sunshine, thankful for the gift that warmer temperatures feel like and a few minutes to just be.
More pictures from PA, twinning!
March 11
Nathan treated our office to an appreciation lunch. We have a really great team....willing to help in any way, committed to customer service, smart, trustworthy. (Shaun, Jason and Aiden didn't make it into the picture, though no less important to the daily operation).
Already, Amanda's second semester is starting to wind down and lots of end-of-year things are happening. I think these pictures were maybe for the yearbook? Anyway, these are the three roommates (cozy in a two-person room).
And these two. Its such a sweet gift from God that they were roommates and friends from the start. They go so well together, as if it was always meant to be that they'd find each other.
Shaun found some first signs of spring! Pretty flowers do not make him pause, but thoughts of me do. So he stops to send me a picture, knowing it will make me smile. And it does.
March 13
We took advantage of a last-minute, one day sale on tickets and shoe-horned dinner and a show into a Wednesday night. It was a really great evening...good food, good seats, good show and the best sisters who are also dear friends.
March 14
I went to get something upstairs at the office and found the 'Aiden was here' signs. After school, he takes the bus to the office, and swaps out his sweats for dress clothes. And fuels up with a juice box, apparently.
March 15
Shaun and Aiden were in Mass for a tournament.
On the way home from work, I stopped at our local market and was delighted to find flowers!!
March 16
I got to join the boys for Aiden's last game of the tournament. Its not about me, but its actually nerve-wracking to be the goalie's mom. That ball comes at him so fast and hard and he puts his body in the way of it.
The consistent work he's been putting in is really showing. He had a great game!
Amazing shots of Aiden in action- especially the last one! I had fun at the Wiz!