Saturday, November 28, 2020

November's 10 on 10

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month (Tuesday). 
{Document a snapshot of your life; find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

My morning spot has moved indoors where its warmer. Some people are strong enough to get through their day without God's strength and peace...I'm not one of them.

Sweet kids, headed off to school. After two years of different schools/start times, they are all back on one schedule and it really streamlines things in the morning. Also, we all miss the St. Mary's days.

Foggy, quiet morning walk with the dog.

Much of what I get done in a day happens between the time the kids get on the bus and when I leave for the office. Its my "go time".

Drinks and lunch. Its a small win when I successfully carry all of it in and unlock the front door without spilling/dropping anything.

My heart.

One office, two companies. Sometimes my brain hurts a little switching between the two in the same minute but mostly it works really well.

Sometimes it works out that I can beat the kids home by 15 minutes. I'll grab a cup of tea and sit with a book or just my quiet thoughts and soak in the sun and peace.

Aiden had a friend over after school while the girls were at soccer practice.

Avery and I went to pick up our grocery order and then to the fabric store to pick out material to reupholster the kitchen stools. She's fun to hang with. Also, the store clearly has some major roof issues...quite the setup of tarps and tubes and five-gallon buckets. 

After dinner Amanda and I got cozy and settled in for a Christmas movie. She and I are Hallmark Christmas movie buddies, though this one happened to not be Hallmark. 


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