Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Big Proposal!

Jack came to us several weeks ago to share his plan and invite us to be a part of it. His idea was to set up a picnic at the park and propose midway through. He wanted his mom, sister and me there and he asked Amanda and Sarah come from PA to surprise Avery.

He and his mom scoped out a spot ahead of time and when they realized we would have to drive past the spot they would be, they arranged to borrow a friend's car so Avery would not notice (she is very observant!). He even asked his mom (the driver) to wear a baseball cap. :)

The five of us girls met up and piled in the generic car. You can imagine we were at a fever pitch, our excitement coming out in squeals and giggles!

Once they had had their moment, Jack gave the signal that it was ok to join them. The girls went running and Avery was sooo surprised!

She and Amanda shared a very sweet and tender moment as they realized with the two weeks apart how much they missed each other. It was a mix of tears and laughter.

Sarah! You're here too?!? 

We paused for just a couple minutes to do photos...they were giddy and beaming. This is my 4th proposal hiding in the bushes with a camera and I consider it such a high honor! It's the stuff of dreams to have been included.

I have lots of pictures just like this, these three ladies. Many years ago, Sarah coming into our life was a miracle, a direct answer to a prayer for a friend for Avery. It took no time at all for her to feel like part of our family. We're so grateful for all the memories we've made with her and for the ways our lives have intersected.

Jack's sister and mom. Katie is a dear friend and we've served in ministry together for 15 years, beginning in the toddler class at church.

We gathered at our house for takeout dinner. We ate on the porch but then moved inside when a crazy rain/wind storm blew through and dropped the temperature by many degrees.

Our families are growing! Jack's older brother and brand new wife were not present because they were still on their honeymoon, having gotten married the week before!

It was so fun to hear reactions from loved ones. What a difference maker to have a family who celebrates with you and cheers for your good!


Yes, we are very excited! Jack is a great guy who we know will take good care of Avery. They've dated for 2.5 years, enough time to be as sure as one can that each other is "the one". It was not a surprise to us...we got married young and so did Jack's parents, and Avery referred to that fact occasionally throughout their time dating. No wedding date has been set but they have their sights on this coming late spring (after tax season, of course).

Monday, September 9, 2024

Project 365, Week 36

Each week is unique but then there are some that stand out among the rest and you know you will always remember. This was one of those weeks, in the best of ways. 

September 3
Post-work, I enjoyed a little reading and snooze out in the late afternoon sun. And then even better, my best guy pulled up a chair in the shade and we chatted.

September 4
I have started driving Aiden to mid-week again now that Amanda is gone. I really enjoy getting the hour car ride with him but its too far for a drop off, so I stay in the area. This church campus is up on a hill and out on the patio on a warm summer evening, the sunset is breathtaking.

September 5
The kickoff of football season!! I half watched, half worked through a photography class online.

September 6
Amanda got her phone at noon and called me as we excitedly and nervously set the weekend in motion. She and Sarah (who is at a college just 45 minutes away) road-tripped to Connecticut to be part of a fun surprise on Avery's behalf....

September 7
She spent the night at Sarah's house and then arrived at our house Saturday morning, once Avery was at work. We talked for a while, very happy to see each other and then we got to work making a couple desserts. At 11, she left to spend some time with Jason and we went to Aiden's soccer game. 

AND THIS HAPPENED!! (I'll post more about it soon.)

September 8
Sitting in church with my family makes me very happy. What a gift!

Amanda shopped our house for items she was missing, packed up her things and then we had to say goodbye. It was SO good to have her home but it was also very brief. She is loving school and thriving there, and we were amazed how much growing she's done in such a short time. She's right where she's supposed to be and that's a good feeling.

The day beckoned me outside and the dog and I meandered around the neighborhood.  There were some things weighing heavy on my heart, ways that people I care about are hurting. 

And also, I was walking without pain, the temperature was perfect, the colors were vibrant, the aroma of wild grapes was in the air. I wondered how life could be any sweeter.

We get to choose what gets our focus, which looks much more like a warrior than a Pollyanna (no discredit to her...I love that movie). We can see and experience pain and also live the hardest parts of our lives with a joyful rebellion against the darkness, as Katherine Wolf puts it. Hope can crowd out despair even in the hardest of times.