Monday, September 30, 2024

Project 365, Week 39

What a gift this September has been! The weather, the pace, the happenings. I'm grateful for it all.

September 23
This has become Aiden's spot for homework, snacks, screens...Ginger is usually close by.

September 24
My favorite goalie had a seat on the varsity bench this game.

September 25
What a gift to have a church where we all love to be and I'm so thankful for this group of boys Aiden has grown up with.

September 26
After seeing Aiden off to school I went down to workout and saw he had left an expansively strewn mess. I sent him this reminder to use good gym etiquette and he apologized but also felt like I still had plenty of room to do what I needed.

September 27
In preparation for a Guys Night Nerf War at church this evening, Aiden had his best guns and ammo packed up. What a delight that we're still in the stage that I find nerf things in our front entry.

Little C was back with us for a weekend of respite and she wasted no time settling in. Either her body or her mouth is moving at all times and she is just such an engaging kid with a fighting spirit.

She was happy to find Avery at half time and before long, Avery and Jack were deep into one of her coloring pages. :)

September 28
Five minutes into my time with coffee and Jesus I had more company than I wanted. Some experts will say its good to model devotional time to your kids, but believe me when I say my heart is sinful enough that I can't read my Bible and talk to Jesus for show. I actually need that time in order to face my family and the day with important things such as love, joy, peace and patience.

We stopped to spend some time with Nana, and the cousins were so sweet to jump right in entertaining C.

Then we stopped at a couple soccer games on a beautiful fall day. I am a firm believer in the value of kids getting outdoor move-their-body time.

We got a surprise call from Amanda, who had her phone for the day while they did an outing. It was soooo good to see her face and C was thrilled, too since the two of them really bonded when she was at our house in July. She misses home but is thriving where she's currently planted.

Aiden got to hang with his bros at a birthday party.

September 29
I was beat from my active Saturday but C was able to do most of the playscape while I watched from a park bench. She's not at all shy and loves dogs so imagine her delight when this sweet puppy happened by.


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