10 pictures on the 10th day of the month (Tuesday).
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day! }
Most mornings I'm up 4:30-5 so I have time to workout and do my chair time with God before the rest of the house wakes up. Its how I can do the rest of the day with strength and purpose.
How blessed am I to see this face each morning?
On our walk to school we saw daffodils and snow flurries!
With 10 minutes notice I ended up needing to cover the front desk at another office. It was such a gray day, so I brought a candle and a good tea mug (you know the one I'm talking about, Melody ;).
This view for many hours.
When I got home, I found Aiden like this...he barely looked up to acknowledge me.
Soccer practice drop off for the girls.
K was at work and J was at the barn so Aiden and I played Yahtzee and read books.
Dinner was every-man-for-himself, which I dislike, but it gets the job done on nights like this.
That is a great tea mug 😊