This was a big house week. We are getting close and are so ready to be done after more than a year of serious looking. Neither one of us is very impulsive, clearly.
While making this massive house/life decision, we also did 6-month CT scans and took in a sweet and traumatized 8 year-old for the weekend. I think God has uniquely gifted Shaun and I to do crazy well. For the good or bad, crazy seems to be our sweet spot and we have a high capacity for doing life at a level of insanity. For God's glory, because it certainly isn't by our own strength!
May 20
After church we had two house showings, both were a second viewing. While its not the kids' decision, we have chosen to include them in much of the process; both to learn a life skill and as a team-building endeavor. At our urging they took it very seriously. I peeked out the window and they were going over their pros and cons lists.
House #2. One of my favorite things was the pool and pool house, equipped with a full kitchen and half bath. Awesome teen space!
May 21
The in-between we're in, setting up parts of our life in the new town while still having lots in the old town, means temporarily there is extra running around. We just roll with it!
Amanda spotted a nest with eggs and this day they hatched.
May 22
High-powered day. Sterling Principle Financial Services had an audit, where non-compliance can mean hefty fines or closure. (We passed with no instances noted! :)
From there, I switched gears to C4 Communications and we had a high-level second interview for a candidate we are looking to hire.
Some days like this one are intense but I love the work I do and am so grateful for it.
May 23
I went to NY (a satellite office, not in the city) for 6-month CT Scans. I wasn't worried, but checking in with Sloan always brings with it a heap of emotions. I'm intensely grateful God chose to give me more days. And I'm pretty good at remembering the past only in bite-size chunks, otherwise I'm quickly overwhelmed.
Freshly reminded how beautiful mundane, every day life is, I took in this U10 soccer game. :)
May 24
The kids figured out if they took the screen out of the bathroom window, they'd have a "bird's-eye view" of the baby birds. Fun for all ages!
As we were driving home from work, we got a desperate call to take a respite (5 total kids is the max without an override, so we don't get many calls anymore). I was going out of town for the weekend, so it was just going to be Shaun with the kids. My answer would've been no, but Shaun didn't bat an eye as he said, "sure, it'll be fine".
You can't help but fall in love all over again with a man who so willingly takes in others' children and then pours love and care into him.
May 25
May 26
Super Dad took six kids to a DCF-sponsored amusement park for the day, by himself.
May 27
Closing in on a house decision, very ready to "land this plane", we viewed two on this rainy day. The finished basement proved to be a big hit with the kids. :)
Wow, what town are you looking in? Come to Ashford!