Thursday, February 13, 2020

Project 365, Week 6

As I put together this week I marveled at how much outside life happened since the week felt very tax-season heavy. Nice to get some perspective! I love the stage that the kids are in right now...its hard but its also so fun to watch them grow into the people they are with talents and interests.

February 3
Pop took the three girls to a UCONN women's basketball game...they had so much fun! So special!

February 4
The kids expressed a desire to put a drama together for Fine Arts. Since there is no official program through our church this year, Amy and I stepped in to help facilitate it. Fun fact: we reached out to our youth pastor (from when we were teens) for one of the skits he's authored. Oh the hours we spent rehearsing with him back in the day!!

February 5
Pacing on the furniture = studying

February 6
My best baker.

February 7
We met before youth group to work on the skit. Such a fun group!

Aiden's school was doing a Mother/Son bowling fundraiser. The very first ball I threw (bowled??) I got a strike, but it was downhill from there. We joined up with three other boys from Aiden's class. He's chosen a nice little group to be-friend and I enjoyed getting to know the moms better.

February 8
Sadly, our car was broken into overnight...the window was smashed and Shaun's wallet was taken. I sent Aiden out at 730AM to make sure all the trash was out of it since we were loading it full of Bible quizzers and that's when it was discovered. Thankfully, that gave me just enough time to make alternative arrangements for transporting the kids.

My niece placed in the top ten...her diligent studying paying off!

When we got back, I wanted to show the kids by example that we leave things better than we find them. So my friend's van that I borrowed for the day got a vacuum, a car wash and a full tank of gas. Two of the kids had never been in a car wash before so it definitely made an impression. Kids are always watching.

February 9
Aiden determined that he wanted to try out for a part in the Easter production. I admired his bravery! And yes...its already that time of year...Easter is in less than two months!

We had friends over for dinner and my three bigs and their two littles had playing together! The next day Avery reported that her throat felt a little hoarse from laughing so much at the little one. :)

1 comment:

  1. As we say, she's a trip and a half! :) I love the Pop basketball date and the van lesson. What a great week with so many friends!


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