Monday, October 24, 2022

Project 365, Week 41

The foliage photos are a bit out of control, but also its just so pretty everywhere!  How can the world be so hard and broken and still so beautiful. What grace!

"Beauty reassures us that goodness is still real in the world, more real than harm or scarcity or evil. Beauty reassures us of abundance, especially that God is absolutely abundant in goodness and in life. Beauty reassures us there is plenty of life to be had. I believe beauty reassures us that the end of this Story is wonderful.
~John Eldredge

October 10
We did a bit of driving around the state for an away soccer game and the colors were breathtaking everywhere. Aiden and I read that, because of the lack of rain this summer, the foliage would be disappointing. We have found the opposite to be true. In reality, there is stunning beauty everywhere we turn!

October 11
The kids had the day off of school. Avery was kind enough to take me for a drive so I could take pictures. We had the loveliest lunch time together. She is a delight and such good company. Its amazing to think of all the decisions she has coming her way this year and in the next several. Growing up is hard to do, but she's doing it with grace.

It was so sweet of their youth pastor and a couple leaders to come watch the game.

October 12
I was at Walgreens and stopped at my car to take this picture across the street. There was a woman taking her smoke break by the car next to mine. We struck up a conversation and in no time we found common ground and connection points. After 10 minutes, she glanced at her watch and said, I could talk all day, but my break is over and I need to get back. 

I thought later, as I have so many times, we all have so much more in common than what our differences are. It is so fascinating to me to hear people's stories, how they got to where they are...what brings them joy, what causes them pain, what their hopes and dreams are. Like her, I could have pulled up a lawn chair and talked all day.

October 13
I'm grateful for the days I get to be in the office for a bit and its so pretty!

October 14

October 15

Avery had a full day, so we snuck in senior pictures first thing in the morning. Even though it was brief, we had a nice time together. She's been giggling and smiling huge since she was just little.

October 16
Football Sunday. :)



  1. Good grief those colors are phenomenal! I hope to experience a New England autumn one of these days! And Avery’s senior pictures are equally beautiful. What a treasure her smile has surely been to you for all these years!

  2. I think it's been the most beautiful fall in several years and your photos capture it SO well! Gorgeous! And p.s. you can keep reminding me that Avery is a senior but I will just keep not believing you! ;)

  3. LOVE THE FALL pictures! I'm always a little bitter to the season because I know what's coming, but it has been literally breath-taking! Your pictures are amazing. I'm a sucker for the fence one! (love what you said about the smoke break lady)


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