Friday, August 1, 2008

The Excellent Wife, Chapter 19

The Wife's Fear...Overcoming Anxiety

Biblical Principles Concerning Fear
  • Fear may keep us from fulfilling our God-given responsibilities
  • Fear may motivate a person to commit other sins "Fear operates like a flood gate opening and letting all the other sins loose."
  • Fear may motivate a person to deny the Lord Jesus and His word "remind yourself that God was and still is sovereign over every circumstance"
  • Fear may be of other men "fear is a fact of life in a fallen world. How we respond to our fears depends on our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ"

Solutions to Fear

  1. Do not be a man pleaser "Instead of seeking man's approval, seek God's by having strong, clear biblical convictions and living them out"
  2. Remind yourself of God's Word Those who love Thy law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble, Psalms 119:165
  3. Make wise decisions "Wisdom is the ability to related truth (God's word) to life situations"
  4. Realize the power of God working within you "You become fearful because of what you think about particular circumstances, not because of the circumstances themselves. As a result, your focus becomes more and more inward. You become more and more frightened. Typically you think, 'What's going to happen to me?' An inward focus is a selfish focus and the fear that results from selfish thinking is not from God. It is a consequence of your own sin"
  5. Fear the Lord and delight in His commands "How foolish when we fear sickness or death, but do not fear God or His commandments"
  6. Realize God is ever-present with you "Remind yourself and trust that God is always with you"
  7. Trust God to keep His word Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words shall not pass away, Matthew 24:35
  8. Seek after the Lord when you are afraid I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears, Psalm 34:4
  9. Overcome your fear with love "Love looks for opportunities to give. Fear keeps an eye on the consequences to self. Love 'thinks no evil'. Fear thinks of little else. Love 'believes all things' while fear is highly suspicious"

I was thanking the Lord this week that I've never really had to struggle too much with this issue of fear, although I know many do. Growing up, there was not an atmosphere of fear. My parents trusted the Word of God and lived by it and were fairly laid-back in regards to the typical fear hot points.

As I got older, I discovered for myself that I serve a big God who doesn't need my help and input. He's proven over and over that He takes better care of me than I can take care of myself by worrying, wondering and being fearful and I rest in that.

I pray that you will find the peace in your heart that my loving Savior wants so much for you to have. Prayerfully take these steps to heart and ask God to help you. His grace is sufficient.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome commentary. It's so true. When we surrender, He can get to work.


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