It's tough explaining this whole blog thing to "outsiders". When I'm reading
someones blog and Avery comes over to ask me something or sit on my lap, she'll ask "Who's that?". The short answer is, "Oh honey, that's just a stranger."
But after a while, it becomes more than that. Slowly, through comments, emails and regular reading, you begin to form a unique friendship. You begin to feel like you know the blog author. For me, I think some of the almost immediate connection happens because I read mostly Christian we are family in the body of Christ without having ever met.
Jackie is one of my "stranger friends". She is so sweet and generous and very talented. She also has a beautiful three-year-old and a husband who supports her
Internet habit. Jackie created and built this new blog design, out of the goodness of her heart. She is considering starting up a small business doing this very thing, and I hope she does! Thank you, Jackie...I love my new look.
Actually, I know of a way you could get a blog makeover done by her. Rachel, another one of my "stranger friends" and her husband are in the process of adopting a child from South Korea. She's got a fundraiser/giveaway going on right now that is worth
checking out. Jackie's design services is one of the prizes.
Spend a few minutes checking both of them out. They both have such sweet-spirits and are good writers, too! Thanks again, Jackie!
( dance class today.)