The kids had two days off of school for winter break...they've been disappointed by the mild winter we've had and are pining for snow. I don't share their feelings on it. It's always nice to have them around, it also makes things a little more complicated.
February 17
I was able to live-stream Erika's funeral, which was held in Oklahoma. So many layers of feelings. I don't understand why I get to be here with my family and she doesn't. My surgeon told me a couple times she wanted to get me to my kids' graduations and weddings. Erika's boys will not have their mom at those events. The daily life we live, and the influence we have on matters in the end.
February 18
Avery worked on her day off of school, which allowed me to be with the other two. I surprised them (and myself a little ;) with roller skating. It was intentional time pursuing my kids hearts, something that was needed. Quite possibly I was a teen the last time I was on roller skates, but it came back surprisingly quickly. My abilities earned me some admiration from my teen! :)
While I was at indoor soccer with Aiden, Amanda was home putting dinner together. Sometimes she's feeling it.
February 19
Aiden had a science experiment to do which required volunteers to taste test food items while blindfolded. His sisters were eager to participate.
February 20
Yikes!! Aiden and I spent an hour at the middle school, in an orientation for the "gifted and talented" program he'll be continuing next year. My mind cannot conceive that my little guy is headed to middle school in a matter of months.
February 21
When we met to practice the fine arts drama, youth group had set up some fun up lighting.
February 22
A blessed slow, quiet Saturday!! Accompanied by spring fever. The kids played and explored in the woods. I love that Avery can still be the ring leader for their make-believe play.
After 14 straight days at the office, it was so nice to not go in!
Shaun got home from the office early and the five of us played the train game. So lovely to be together.
February 23
Amanda had a sleep over the night before and when I got home from JBQ I found them lounging in the hot tub.
Back at church for Passion rehearsal. The kids got their costumes and I got to hang with the three kids for a bit.
On the drive home, we pulled off at our sunset spot, a beautiful close to a good weekend.