Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Project 365, Week 32

One of the things that struck me this week, not for the first time, is that we never know what a week will hold. Some have a familiar, mundane flow and we fight against despising the boredom and the ordinary. Other times, we are grabbing for anything recognizable and routine because life feels out of control.

There was no earth-shattering news, but it was a different kind of week that made me think of the verse in Proverbs: We can make our plans but the Lord determines our steps. I just think the message is loud and clear...WE are not in control. There's very little about this year that any of us planned. So, if we're not in control, who is? And what does this life mean? Might be worth pausing to ask those questions.

August 3
At the last minute, Avery had the chance to have a "girls time" sleepover with her Auntie Sarah. I didn't want her to miss out, especially after she's been so diligent all summer, so I told her I'd cover her babysitting job. Phew...I do not have the gift that she does, but we still had some fun, and it was only for a few hours.

The girls had such a fun time with their auntie, doing girl stuff. They felt like she "got them", and I'm so thankful they have different voices and input in their lives.
The girls have been doing conditioning practice a couple times a week and now they are doing several "summer league" games. It was so great to be watching them, watching any live sports event! ;) Kinda cool that they'll get to be on the field together for the next three years.

Their first game was against Amanda's friend's team, so we had them over for hot dogs and s'mores and games.
August 4
Tropical Storm Isaias. Almost no rain in our area but enough wind to bring trees and limbs down all over Connecticut. We never lost power, but surrounding towns had up to 99% outages. Still today, seven days later, many are still without power. Our house got to be a hub and it was so much fun!!
Just this day we carried couches up from the basement to the second floor bonus room. Amanda worked very hard to get it set up and cleaned up. 

A group of teenaged nieces and nephews were the first ones to sniff out our phone charging capabilities. We were so glad they thought to come over...we had so much fun! On his own, Aiden started pulling out extra blankets and pillows...he pulled me aside and told me how much he loved having people. So sweet!

August 5
The next morning I scrubbed down bathrooms and surfaces, in anticipation of friends and family stopping by for showers.

Shaun moved the truck out into the street so people could more easily get in and out of our driveway. While it was in the road, a construction worker across the street backed into it. Thankfully he came and told us and left his insurance info.

My friend who just lost her husband would have been celebrating their 25th anniversary on this day. Knowing it would be hard, her daughter reached out to a couple of us and asked if we'd do pedicures and dinner with her. I've never had a pedicure and just couldn't get up the nerve so, in the spirit of being a team player, I went with a manicure. I honestly don't understand what the hype is all put an appointment on your calendar, to spend the time and money on something that lasts such a short time and doesn't benefit anyone but yourself...its just not for me. But we had a lovely dinner and I know my friend felt loved because her children put it together.
I smiled when I got home seeing how someone had started to clean the yard....for soccer!
Visitors...seeking water and electricity. :)

August 6
Cousins, cousin's cousin, friends and babysitting charges all gathered for a morning at the lake. We can quarantine or we can be without power but we can't quarantine and not have power.

We had a crew join us at the track for an expanded family fun run. :) It knocked Aiden out of first place into 3rd, (with Colombo and Nathanael in 1st and 2nd) but the competition caused him to have a PR of 25:31. What an incredible blessing to have healthy and able bodies!

Why not end 3.1 miles of running with a plank challenge??

Or another workout at home?
It was a lovely evening to sit out.

August 7
Nathan and Grandpa John figured out a way to get Zoom set up, so we got to see Nana and Grandpa John for the first time since Thanksgiving! They have been forced to spend many months shut in their apartment, trying to stay safe, so it was good to have the whole family together! I'm grateful they are brave enough to learn computers and new technology.
August 8
We took in more refugees from the land of no power. :) What a blessing to do a slow day of porch sittin'.

August 9
We were on the receiving end for many years, so now we look for ways to be the givers when someone's life has been touched by cancer. Sometimes the kids have a heart for it, other times there is grumbling and complaining and arguing. This hot Sunday morning was the latter. ;)
We met Shaun at the vacant apartment (more grumbling and complaining) and Shaun took the time to explain residual income in terms they could understand. He's so good at training and teaching and being intentional.


  1. Your summary of the manicure/pedicure business is exactly how I feel!!! I sit there, perplexed, thinking, "I can do this myself!" I'm happy for those that enjoy it...I just can't get on board! Amazing that you guys didn't lose power!

  2. Thanks for taking us in!! This post involves MANY people!! You have a gift! Xoxo


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