Tuesday, June 29, 2021

June's 10 on 10

10 pictures on the 10th day (Thursday) of the month! 
{Document a snapshot of your life...find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

Pulled the kids out of bed at 545am and went to the farm on the hill for a view of the solar eclipse.

(Internet image)

Since we were up, Amanda and I went to the office. I worked and she cleaned.

Had a small tax season de-briefing. My husband and brother-in-laws constantly amaze me with their work ethic, superior customer service and respect for people from all walks of life. Three brothers, three different styles, three very loyal followings.

Post-hair salon. Most of the reason I've stuck with this stylist is because she never shames me for only showing up twice a year.

Back at the ranch...

Our friend and marketing person came over to finalize some things on our new branding for the business.

Tear down, reconfigure, rebuild.

We almost always bring Ginger to the building and she sticks close by, following us in and out. A little time went by and we realized she suddenly wasn't around. We looked for her extensively, with no luck. My neighbor texted me a Facebook post. Ginger had ventured out onto the VERY busy road and someone very kind picked her up and posted on the town page.

Even after getting up so early and working hard all day, somehow Shaun and the kids had enough energy left to go practice soccer together. While they were there I grilled dinner and coordinated getting Ginger back. At one point I thought I might have to pay a ransom.

Finally, we met at the agreed upon location and Ginger, who'd been fed and bathed and had playtime with other dogs, showed no remorse.

My entry way...it won't always be this way.

Shaun and the kids snuck in a brief workout while watching soccer.


1 comment:

  1. 1776 is looking good! Nathanael had me ready for the eclipse and then he bailed late the night before.


Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world.