Friday, December 12, 2008

Amanda's Birthday

Better-late-than-never pictures of Amanda's birthday party, the day after Thanksgiving.

My brother-in-law's future niece (yeah, figure that one out) came to the party. They are just one day apart and go to church together and soon they will share the same Aunt and Uncle. For some reason, both were having trouble with the concept of sharing. :)

The dress my mom made.

The princess cake I make (yes, its a castle!)

Special day with 20 or so of our family member there to love on her.


  1. I love the last picture. So cute. And the cake? WOW.

    Happy Birthday, Amanda! :)

  2. What a darling birthday, and beautiful little girl you have there.

    I had to stop by and see the blog that shares the same title as mine. Great minds think alike!

    ...I made that same princess cake for my daughter Grace for her birthday years ago. Just precious!

    Great Blessed Blog!

  3. Awesome job on the cake!
    They grow so fast ...

  4. Happy Birthday Amanda! What a cake - fabulous work!

  5. Oooh, look at that cake! I am so impressed! Did it take you a long time to make? I bet she was thrilled to pieces with it.

    So, day after Thanksgiving, I see....Savannah was born two days after Christmas, so I guess we both have almost-holiday babies. I wish it were not so close, but I'm not complaining...I'll take her no matter what day she came! :)


Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world.