Thursday, July 30, 2015

Home...and Thankful

By nature I'm a thankful person. I wake up with or before the sun and breathe in the new mercies and fresh possibilities of the day. My attitude is joyful expectation, whether its housecleaning and cooking on the agenda or a fun family outing.

Cancer has changed that. On the one hand, I am more grateful for even the smallest things...that which I was simply thankful for before, now I am in complete awe of. On the other hand, gratitude is now a choice I make each day. When you are sick or in pain or in a hospital bed or bearing the weight of bad news day after day you don't spring out of bed with a song in your heart. At least I don't.

I have to tell myself This IS the day that the Lord made and I WILL rejoice and be glad in it. And then I start formulating my gratitude list to be referenced when despair tries to set in and hope is hard to come by. Not gonna lie...there have been several days recently when this has seemed like a lot of hard work and the temptation to simply give up has been strong.

BUT, I'm home and its been amazing! After being away for 20 days of this month, everything is a novelty here now that I'm back. In no particular order, here is a list of things I'm loving about being home:

  • tripping over shoes in the mudroom
  • tucking my kids into bed
  • reading stories with Aiden
  • falling asleep next to my husband, sharing the same bed
  • watering my flowers
  • breaking up arguing kids
  • sharing ideas with my husband about his work
  • watching movies with the kids nope...still don't like to do that...but I am, for them
  • sleeping through the night without my vitals being checked
  • changing the toilet paper roll
  • hugging my can't do that through FaceTime, though we tried
  • watching the kids ride their bikes
  • drinking coffee that's drinkable
  • seeing my husband's wide grin every time he sees me...simply because I'm here, breathing
  • having the freedom to step out into the fresh air

A song I often sing to the kids:

Oh be thankful for the good things that you've got
You gotta be thankful for the good things that you've got
The good things that you've got are for many just a dream
So be thankful for the good things that you've got

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the world.