Monday, January 22, 2024

January's 10 on 10

10 pictures on the 10th day (Wednesday) of the month! 
{Document a snapshot of your life...find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

After getting home after midnight from a long day in the city doing a procedure the previous day, I rested this day. When I woke in the morning, I lay in bed and figuratively checked that my arms and legs were attached and moving and then as I got out of bed, I checked for pain. I was good! A wonderful, beautiful miracle.

Aiden was the first one to make it downstairs and check in. Ginger sure does love him (and also, he feeds her early every morning).

I believe this is the 3rd year I've done The Bible in a Year with Father Mike Schmidt. As a special treat, most of the five of us are following the same podcast this year.. There is so much value in reading the Bible from front to back as the continuous story that it is. The things I learn regularly astound me and I'm so thankful for the gift of unlimited access to God's word, without fear of imprisonment, or worse.

Ginger and I are the only ones who care about the pile of winter coats in the entry way. One girl's annoyance is another dog's opportunity. ;)

Amy checked in bright and early, anxious to hear how everything had gone the day before and how I was feeling. So often, my body takes the long, hard way, and she's there for it all, so this day it was nice to have a good report to share.

How old are we? We are two-recliners-side-by-side years old. This guy would sit with me at all times, if life allowed. 

Sweet, hard working girl. Home from the office in time to change for her second shift gig.

Faithful dog, hoping our walk that didn't happen would happen.

When Amanda came home she settled in and chatted with me for a while. Makes me happy when she's in the mood to hang.

I spent some times studying James, the book of the Bible we're in now with TBQ and also doing some research, learning more about my Word of the Year.

After several hours waiting, my oncologist came on the call. She was thrilled to hear my 24-hour post-procedure report of feeling good and also said we'll continue to wait on chemo.


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