Sunday, February 18, 2024

February's 10 on 10

10 pictures on the 10th day (Saturday) of the month! 
{Document a snapshot of your life...find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

Working through Exodus and Leviticus with a bit of Psalms. If I'd been on the Bible-writing committee, I would have trimmed down Leviticus from 27 chapters to 1 and instead would have used that space to tell more of Jesus' growing up years. I'd love to read a "Ten on Ten" from a day in his life. :)

I slept later than usual and took the morning slow, so Ginger didn't get a walk. She was giving me the sad eyes as I left for work.

We always have a candle burning in the office and clients are especially enthusiastic about this particular scent. The Valentines chocolate is pretty popular, too.

Lots of picking up and dropping off.

Its absolutely exhausting but I so enjoy being at the office. I love talking with people...those I've known for years and others I've never met before. For the people sitting in the waiting room, its always my goal to get them to engage in conversation instead of getting buried in their phone. Maybe this makes me a very annoying person like my kids insist, but my hope is they leave feeling like someone noticed them and cared. Either way, I learn so much about how we are different and also very much the same.

The front of the office is in full sun the entire day and this makes my plants happy by their window.

Shaun and I hit the hot tub and watched the sunset from the reflection and also through the window to the other side of the house. 

After dinner I cleaned the kitchen. I did it without being told, with a happy heart and without arguing, a welcomed change to how it often happens when the regular dishes person is home.

I checked in on the kids and thought they must be having such a great time, only to learn the next day that they were not...such a bummer.

I sit in my recliner way too much and I've never really cared for watching TV. But here I am. The Smithsonian channel has a show called Air Disasters that Shaun and I watch together and though it sounds terrible, its actually fascinating how they piece together what went wrong. I'm practically ready to be a commercial pilot.


1 comment:

  1. I cracked up at the "Air Disasters"! I think we need to find you a redemptive series next! Maybe we move up to something about natural disasters at least?! I LOVE the photo of you in this post! P.S. No idea why I can't crack the "Anonymous" commenter code?! xoxo, M


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