Friday, November 14, 2008

The Vacuum Truck

Given the fact we live on a city lot, it is amazing how many leaves accumulate in our yard each fall. Up until yesterday, the only raking I'd done was to make a pile for the girls to jump in. (I'd rake for hours and hours to hear those delighted squeals!)

However, when I was outside early in the morning, I was pretty sure I heard the "vacuum truck" a couple streets over. The town goes through the streets and literally vacuums up the leaves that are piled onto the sidewalk and street side.

Hearing the truck, I thought it would be wise to start raking! As I began though, I started thinking If only I knew exactly when the truck would be coming. Then I could procrastinate a little longer, and do the things that had been on MY list for the day. If I knew what day and time they would be coming by, I could calculate precisely when I should start getting prepared.

And then I thought, how many people are treating their salvation like that? They plan on getting prepared for Jesus' coming when they are not so busy with the things on their list or when they are older and their time is clearly drawing near or when...

You have no idea what day your Master will show up. But you do know this: You know that if the homeowner had known what time of night the burglar would arrive, he would have been there with his dogs to prevent the break-in. Be vigilant just like that. You have no idea when the Son of Man is going to show up. Matthew 24:44

I raked quite a bit yesterday and the truck never came, but I don't regret the time I spent getting my yard cleaned up. I have nice patches of green grass that I can sit back and enjoy and now I'm not quite so worried when the town guys will come because I am prepared. In fact, I am anxious for them to come and take all those dirty leaves away.

Are you prepared?


  1. Incredible post, Lisa! What a great parallel. I'm ready!

  2. I've got goosebumps from reading your post.

  3. Such truth and meaning to this post. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Love it!!! I am so excited about Jesus coming back... we need to think about this more and live life with this in the forefront of our minds! :o) I am so excited!

  5. What a great illustration, and so well expressed! I'm reminded of words from an old Gospel song, "The Great Judgment Morning." In describing those who stood before the White Throne, the poet wrote: "The soul that had put off salvation,
    'Not tonight... I'll get saved by and by;
    No time now to think of religion.'
    At last... he had found time to die."


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