Sunday, March 4, 2012

Project 365, Week 9

Another great week!  The kids enjoyed a little snow, and we enjoyed having Avery home early.

I thought you would also be interested to know that we got "the call" this week.  Our foster care application has been approved and we are officially an "open home".  Now begins the work, most of it will be on our knees most likely.  :)

February 26
We thought we were going to have an entire afternoon at church but when that changed we went out to lunch instead.
February 27
I had an appointment in Boston.  My mom came to watch the kids and when she got there Amanda said, Mom, are you going to stay here or are you going?  I told her I had an appointment.  She said, well, you better head out then!  Head out??

Thought this sign with the hospital ER wait time was neat.  You know, if you are the kind who has insurance and can afford to go there when you are concerned if there is a wait or not.
February 28
 Boys reading books together.  Truck books, of course.
February 29
Our mailman is afraid of the dog, so if he's in the yard, we don't get a delivery.  Happens every single'd think they would have made a peace treaty by now.
March 1
Yay March!  My little worker bee was entertained for hours helping me clean with a bottle of water.

March 2
These last couple days there has been a free, live photography training class on Glamour Photography.  Though that's not what I do, there are many good concepts so I was watching it while I cleaned, cooked, etc.

Apparently, Amanda was, too.  She said, Mom look at my pose!

Total glam, Girl!
 I'm not sure there could be a more unflattering picture of me, but I had to include it.  For the first time ever I had all three kids with me at the dentist's office.  They were great, and very intrigued but I was laying there thinking that most of my life's dentist appointments have been on my lunch break, in my business suit without a thought of children.  I found this on the iPad....Avery thought the event was picture worthy.
Our family was all geared up for Shaun's championship game, which they lost :(.
 Shaun's mom and sister came to watch, since Shaun's two brothers are also on the team.

 Which meant all the cousins were together.  This is my photo fail....what a crew!
March 3
Taxes.  I'll leave it all that.


  1. I'm with you - glad March is here.

    Love that Aiden was helping you "clean".

    Have a great week friend !!!

  2. p.s. was just thinking about you two and your foster care progress yesterday !!!!

    Congratualtions !!!!

  3. Love that cousin picture - those kind are often the most fun to look back on. I also love that you got a picture of yourself at the dentist! I think I'll try to take a self portrait the next time I go :)


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