Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2014 Goals

I've wrestled with my 2014 goals for the past couple weeks (and been working on this post about that same amount!).  I set out some areas I wanted to work on, things I wanted to accomplish, personal growth I wanted to see.  I wrote and crossed out and thought some more.

Finally I had something that was ok but I still wasn't settled with it.  So I ran it by Shaun and asked for his feedback.  He is so very wise and so very honest....always.

He read through the list, told me the ones he liked and said the problem with the remaining ones was they were about me and my own personal enrichment.

And just like that he articulated what it was that'd been nagging me.  The list of things, though "good" by definition, was not reflective of the way we want to live our lives.

As soon as Shaun finished talking, I knew what my revised 2014 goals would look like.  I knew immediately because it'd been rolling around in my head but I discounted it, wanting more "traditional" goals.

And so, I have just two things for 2014.

I know so many who have chosen just one word for the year and are making that their focus.  I love that idea!  It was easy to come up with mine, since God has been stirring things in my heart.  My one word is SURRENDER.

So I'll stand
                                               With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the one who gave it all
So I'll stand
My soul Lord to you surrendered
All I am is yours

I believe God is going to call us to bigger and harder and scarier things in the coming year.  In our pursuit of a life of significance, I want my knee-jerk response to be "all I am is yours".  I want to lose myself and the human-sized plans I have for my life and exchange them for God-sized, world-changing plans.

The second thing was easy to settle on, too.  Back in early December when we attended the TobyMac concert, he shared a quote from Brennan Manning, who I've read and enjoyed.

For Christmas, my BIL made me a mug with that very quote on it, along with a couple pictures.  Its very special to me and is a daily reminder that I have the power to positively impact people and give life to them.

In every encounter we either give life or we drain it; there is no neutral exchange.

When I was looking up the quote, I found this related list that I love:

  1. Smile more.
  2. Hug more.
  3. Give more compliments.
  4. Write more love notes.
  5. Offer more forgiveness.
  6. Ask more follow-up questions.
  7. Show more interest.
  8. Have more compassion.
  9. Talk to more children.
  10. Remember more names.
  11. Leave bigger tips.
  12. Use kinder words.
  13. Laugh at more jokes.
  14. Make more eye contact.
  15. Treat others to more coffee.
  16. Listen more intently.
  17. Give more time.
  18. Stop to catch-up longer.
  19. Promote others more often.
  20. Be more optimistic.
  21. Be more sympathetic.
  22. Be more patient.
  23. Celebrate more successes.
  24. Ask to pray more often.
  25. Dream bigger dreams for others.
  26. Cook more meals.
  27. Ask elders for more advice.
  28. Spend more time reminiscing with old friends.
  29. Donate more to charity.
  30. Remember more details.
  31. Sing more songs.
  32. Display more affection.
  33. Give more apologies.
  34. Focus less on differences.
  35. Invite more to come along.
  36. Read more books to your child.
  37. Offer to help more often.
  38. Trust more.
  39. Give more responsibility.
  40. Say more thank-you’s.
This year, I want to surrender my life to God's plans and give life to others.


  1. Love this!
    My annual word is a phrase this year: "choose love over fear." In SO many ways in my life it's easier for me to choose fear.
    Love you!

  2. I love your coffee mug! Where can I order one!? Thanks! Becky


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