Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Peaceful Assurance

Peaceful assurance--a peace you can sense deeply, even when chaos is swirling around you. Like an anchor holding a ship steady, God's peace gives security. Its a peace that doesn't flutter for a few seconds and then evaporate into thin air, but one that refuses to go away, hours later, days later, months later--even when the path ahead is blocked by all kinds of challenges, risk, and danger, and even if you'd rather not go in the direction it is pointing you. Your own heart, left to itself, might quiver and hesitate and ultimately fail, but the Spirit's peace soothes and strengthens you, giving you confidence to accomplish the task He's sending you out to perform.

~Priscilla Shirer



  1. Without a doubt Priscilla's words are right on! Hugs Lisa it was great seeing you Monday!

  2. Word for outreach this week is peace (we are going through the fruits of the spirit but calling them character traits or virtues to live by - will share the above quote friday - thanks for inspiring others you may never meet this side of heaven


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