Friday, September 11, 2015

September's 10 on 10

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month, randomly in B&W (Thursday)!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day! }

5 AM
Because of all the horrible, healing things being done to my body its often not possible for me to workout so when I am able, I don't miss. Today was the first time I have attempted legs & abs in well over two months. Progress!

I'm thankful for my home gym, partly because I can nurse my first cup of coffee during the "water" breaks. :) Do you know about FitnessBlender? Its free and SO versatile...good for when you are training for a marathon or going through extensive cancer treatments.

6 AM
My second cup of coffee happens on my porch with my Bible.

7 AM
He's been good about waking up on his own for school, but we had a late bedtime the night before.

8 AM
After walking the kids to school, I go in to check if they made their beds. If they did, I leave a candy on the bed for them to find. I know it sounds similar to training a puppy with dog biscuits, but it works like a charm.

9 AM
True confessions: I'm not one of those people who cannot go to bed unless the sink is empty and the counters are wiped. In fact, I can sleep quite well with dinner dishes left undone. At my house, it can wait until morning.

10 AM
I joined Shaun at the office to answer the phone and greet walk-ins so he could get some work done. It works well since I have access to a computer and can get my work done. Feels so great to be working some!

2 PM
Ahh...but then there's still the other part of my life where the visiting nurse comes to see me several times a week. Today was a new-to-me nurse because my regular nurse had an emergency. This new nurse said she's heard all about "the lady with the wound vac in [my town]" around the office and I was not at all what she was expecting. I didn't get a chance to ask her, but now I'm curious...what was she expecting??

Also, she loved, loved our house and asked for a tour. Good thing I'm bribing my kids with candy to make their beds. ;)

3 PM
R brought DQ for the kids as a special treat and then played with them for a few minutes. They were happy to see him and interact...he works second-shift so now that they're in school they don't see him much.

4 PM
I've been picking away at culling my office. I had no idea what was in these two boxes taking up shelf space. It was a mix of treasures, garbage, and eBay items to sell.

6 PM
My guys.


  1. Since there are just two of us we can go a few days without doing dishes (well, I guess I should say that we often DO go a few days - we probably shouldn't - ha!). My mother would be freaking out. Maybe that's why I do it? :)

    If you were described as "a lady" then she was probably expecting someone more my age than yours :)

  2. I love the pic of the clean sink! Haha! Really love that R brought DQ home, so sweet!

  3. Great parenting with the treats on bed - whatever works - jealous I didn't think of thst years ago - we did have a dress the bed rule and dress down to the shoes rule so we we were always ready if someone came over or we had to jump in car quick - tell R hi and give him a hug for me - been ages since I saw him. Sweet reflection of a typical day - as always thanks for sharing.


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