Friday, February 3, 2017

State of the House ~ January

This is the easiest January I've had in a couple years, meaning I'm not going through chemotherapy and I'm not packing around a wound-vacuum as I have for the last two. Given that, you'd think I would spend every day on a cloud, happy as a lark. But I've learned something that I didn't used to know. Life is hard... and people suffer more frequently and deeply than they admit.

"Sounds like a whole week of triumphs". That was the comment left on one of my weekly posts by a sweet reader. When I read it I thought, wow...that is not at all what the week was. Instead, the week was a strained marriage relationship, speaking only when necessary. It was taking a hard look at foster care, questioning if its the right thing for our family. It was feeling like I was in over my head at work and not crossing things off the to-do list at home. Triumphs? Yes, we had some but that is not the whole story. It rarely is.

I don't want this blog to be a place where I display all the ways I have it together. I also don't think its appropriate for it to be a place where I detail my husband's shortcomings or the ways my kid's sinful natures are exposed in everyday life. I desire to be authentic and not add to the already saturated market of put-together, photo-shopped lives.

"Normal", whatever that is, is not how we can be described. We know this, are aware of it. And usually its okay. Somedays I look around and think, wow...we really are crazy. The other day I left work and went directly to school for pick-up.  When we got home, my nurse was waiting for us. While I was sitting at the kitchen table having my monthly medi-port flush, H and his friend from arrived home from high school. Then my SIL came in to drop off my nephew for the afternoon/evening. And I was sitting there with needles and medical supplies strewn over my kitchen table, chatting with my nurse as people traffic came in and out and I thought, yeah...this is not normal. 

But its us and we're doing it and another January is in the rearview mirror.


  1. Oh man I love this. Even more, I love your heart. I love how you talk about the balance of being real and authentic but also not putting your family members' sinful natures on display either. I always sense authenticity in your words on your blog and what you portray. There is never a prideful tone...always humility and I'm always inspired. Keep up the good work, friend!

  2. Amen to what Meg said! Lisa, your words speak the truth of what life really is. I so admire your heart and your determination to be real and uplifting at the same time. You are an angel in my life!

  3. YAY, yay, YAY for no chemo / vacuums! I hate BOTH! Love you!!!!! You're pretty incredible!


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