Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Project 365, Week 1

There's been some years when I really considered whether to continue doing Project 365. This will be my 14th year! Even though its somewhat second nature to me now, it is a commitment of time. But my kids, who either weren't born or couldn't read when I first began, now love to look back and see their childhood unfold, reading stories about themselves and seeing pictures that I would've long forgotten about. I'm so very grateful to have it all here in one place. And I didn't even have to think about doing another year.

Though its primarily a journal for my family, I'm grateful for the friends I've made through this now archaic social media platform. And grateful for you, near and far family and friends who stop in once in a while to check up on us. So sweet!

Traditionally, this is a slow week. All things holiday have been put away and we're taking in the calm before the storm of tax season. The days are dark and cold, lending themselves to staying cozy inside. Our lives are very infrequently slow and relaxed, so we take it when we can!

January 3
We were at the office putting a desk together. Amanda stepped outside and noticed the sunset was coloring the sky. She came running into my office and excitedly said, Mom...we gotta GO! So we hopped in the car and drove the 15 seconds it takes to get to the farm at the top of the hill. I'm so glad she made us do it...the show was breathtaking!!

If the stars were made to worship so will I
If the mountains bow in reverence so will I
If the oceans roar Your greatness so will I
For if everything exists to lift You high so will I

I love nights when we're home together, doing homework, playing games, reading books. 

January 4
January is a good month for extra reading.

January 5

Aiden took the initiative to start a fire so I pulled my rocking chair close, made a cup of tea and read a great book without guilt.

January 6

School was delayed because of icy roads so Ginger and I had company on our walk, which was special.

January 7

It snowed overnight and into the morning we woke up to a winter wonderland!

The kids had school remotely until 1230. Their classes were live and they had to sign in to each one.

I had my annual blood work/MRI/CT Scan/peg-my-deductible appointment. I saw a wide range of people...many in wheel chairs, their bodies too ravaged to be able to walk without debilitating pain. And another, a beautiful young woman who looked like she was just starting out in the process...she brought her open laptop into the blood draw/IV room, as if she had important business to do, not yet knowing cancer doesn't care about the career success she's trying to achieve. The cancer center is such a hard and beautiful place.

January 8
We were out of the house before 7am, heading to New Hampshire with a Suburban full of kids to compete in Teen Bible Quiz. It was a pretty drive, with the sun coming up and lighting the snow-covered trees.

A great crew!

January 9
Pretty sunrise and kids who still like to play in the snow. :)


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