Sunday, September 18, 2011

Project 365, Week 38

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Every time someone says they were reading my blog it always surprises me.  When I'm posting, I'm just writing to "out there", so to know people are actually reading it is nice to know.  So, thank you.  For caring about our family and for the supportive, encouraging, informative, fun or otherwise comments you leave.  Hope you had a great week!  Here's ours...

September 11
The first couple days of this week had a bit of a cloud over them as I tried (and failed) once again to process or understand what happened on 9/11.  Ten years have gone by and I can't comprehend it anymore than I could in 2001.  How nice that I have the luxury to not think about it every single day.

Uncle Nathan called us to say that we should bring the kids down to his church because there was a fire engine there.  They were duly impressed.

 They also spent some time with a NYC firefighter who came to speak.  Avery and Aiden wanted nothing to do with that but you better believe Amanda wasn't going to miss out.  Not sure who was having more fun here. :)

And....are you ready for some football? Its pretty big at our house.  Isn't this cool?
 Full moon, looking out my front door.

September 12
Beautiful afternoon.  Now that Avery is in school its especially special when we are all together.  I know I've read The Little Mermaid before, but I don't remember it being so evil.  I'm getting rid of it.
 September 13
Tuesday is our new busy day.  All the activities the girls are involved in are crammed into this afternoon.  They just started voice lessons which they loved, Avery is back at dance in Primary B and Amanda is trying Tap for the first time at a new studio.

 September 14
I went to a photography workshop in New Haven.  When I arrived this is what I saw....the view from their front porch!
 September 15
Thanks for the picture with me in it, Amanda.
 A VERY exciting day at our house.  The tree crew came to deal with a large branch that had come down in our backyard during Storm Irene.  Shaun set the kids up in the girls room with a great view.  Fun!

 September 16
Nothing like a good game of Candyland.  Apparently all the pieces are missing, so the girls improvised.

September 17
My cousin and his girlfriend came up so after church we left the kids with a babysitter and had a nice dinner.  Good times.  So happy he lives in CT now!
I'm linking up with Sara this week.  Be blessed this week!


  1. Nice picture Amanda!!!

    I love the one of you and the 3 reading too.

    Got a kick out of the CandyLand pieces - so creative those girls are.

    It is funny what you said about the canning - Sara said the same thing.

    Have a great week !!!!

  2. Loved the pictures. My hubby is a volunteer fireman and they made a picture of a little boy like yours yesterday at the Rock Mills Heritage Day. It was cute. What kind of lens do you use to make your moon shot so close and clear?

  3. I had wondered at how SERIOUS everyone was when you were reading the book.

    Love the moon shot & the water shot - gorgeous!

    But this week Amanda wins in the firefighter's gear - too cute!

  4. Love to read to kids, when they let me! Great pic!


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