Friday, January 18, 2013

Random Friday

Today's a random day, at least here in my brain and, in honor of it being a high of 26 degrees, I am posting a couple pictures from last know, for my own sanity.

I cleaned out the toothpaste/toothbrush/dental floss drawer and realized 1. we were all just about out of toothpaste and 2. I needed to ONLY buy toothpaste that has the cap attached.  A tube of toothpaste without someone conscientiously and consistently putting the cap back on is just...nastiness.

After a trip to the store I began to wonder if the only people in the world who are NOT concerned with that little cap getting put back on after each use are the ones who live under this roof.  It must be so because 90% of the boxes I peeked in had a removable cap and not a flip one.

This is as puzzling to me as seeded watermelon.  Why?  If there is such a thing as seedless watermelon, then why not phase out the seeded stuff?  I actually thought "they" had, until I mistakenly bought one last summer.

Speaking of "Why" questions....last night I was talking to Z's coach and I was incredibly distracted by his LONG eyebrow hairs, several of them sticking straight out or up.  Does he really have no one in his life who feels like it would be the right thing to do to mention that to him?  I don't see the harm in his wife throwing out an offhanded comment to see where it goes.

Yesterday Shaun offered to purchase me a one-on-one training session with someone who could help me with my running "stuff"...injury prevention, training schedule, know, stuff like that.

At first I blew it off, as if there could possibly be anyone out there who could teach me something I don't already know.  Seriously.  Immediately I figured I'd get someone straight out of college who has read the same books and blogs as me.  But upon further thought, I DO think its possible I may not know everything on the subject.   Wow....glad we got that straight!

The other night the girls pulled out one of my blog books for a bedtime story.  Funny kid quotes proved to be the favorite.  Amanda in particular thought it was just hilarious.  She laughed and laughed at this one.  Made me think I need to post quotes more often.

I am so excited for their day off of school this Monday and I may or may not have counted down the days until February vacation.  Love having them home!

Love this true!

Hope your (maybe long) weekend is fabulous!!


  1. Quick books? How in the world do u get that? That is super cool!

  2. Hi Michelle!

    Yes, blog books are wonderful!! One of the main reasons I blog. Here's the link to a post I did on it

    Also, if you follow them on FB or even sign up for an account with them, they occasionally offer discounts of 10-20%!

  3. You crack me up!!! Thanks for the giggles this a.m. I can finally buy toothpaste with the little cap. Phil is old enough to know what to do with it when he is done lol.

  4. You are too funny. I think a trainer would be good because you'd be accountable to someone for a minute (or am I the only one who needs that?).

  5. well, you my's ME who has trouble remembering to put the cap back on....ya. :/


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