Up until very recently, Amanda has been wearing a diaper at night and every single morning, it was wet. Soaked. We discovered that she was peeing in her diaper as soon as we put it on, before she was even asleep. Once we found that out, we knew it was time to double our efforts to get this kid to go through the night. Right now Shaun is taking her potty about midnight before he goes to bed and I am taking her at 5 AM when I get up. (Yes, Shaun and I have always been on different sleep schedules...we make it work).
For several nights in a row, she'd been pitching a fit at midnight when Shaun took her. The subject (somehow) came up at dinner the other night and Shaun asked her about it. She started her reply with "Well..." and when she says that a certain way, we know what's coming is most likely going to be epic or at least highly entertaining...or head-spinning.
So for fun, this night we said, "Wait! Let's roll the camera for this one!" And here you have a sample of Amanda in all her Amanda-ness.
Please don't judge me for serving boxed mac-n-cheese with hot dogs this night. I swear, they hardly ever eat it.
Since this conversation...no midnight screaming. :)
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Ephesians 6:4