Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First Week of Spring

This is what our five-day, first-week-of-Spring forecast looks like.  I'm not feeling the love today, so if anyone would like to comment here what they love about the snow, it would be so helpful to me!

In the meantime, I'm going to happily relive last week when we were in the 70s.  The kids spent the day outside and busied themselves with things kids should do.  What fun!

Always good to start with a bathing suit...just in case.

 Aiden still straggles behind, so when he got outside, he had to find his sisters.
 The first order of business was to make a yummy picnic lunch.  Looks pretty healthy, all except for the shingles part.
 Then they got to finding "friends", or fellas, as they call the worms and such that they dig up.

 Aiden couldn't be troubled with all that silly child's play, what with all the work he had to do.

 Must be getting warm...or not...the weather actually doesn't really have much bearing on wardrobe decisions.
 New activities and new outfits were in order for after lunch and naps.

 Surprisingly enough, this did not end badly.

Spring, we are ready for you whenever you get here.  We promise to get the most use out of you that we possibly can.  In the meantime, I am making a decision today, that I will rejoice and be glad in and thankful for this day.

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. 
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.
Hebrews 10:35, 36


  1. Love these pictures! Yes, nature seems awfully cruel to me sometimes - a tease! My wish for you is that this time the weather people actually were clueless & that you have MUCH better weather than predicted.

  2. I know - I am tired of it too. But look at my post today. I can't believe this is happening.

  3. I didn't mind the snow falling since so little actually accumulated. I do miss the 70-degree weather though. Cold weather weakens my will to go walking/hiking.


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