Thursday, March 21, 2013

This and That Thursday

I made up that clever title, though I'm sure its not original.  Feel free to use it.  ;)

I feel like it has been SO long since I've done a life update post.  But then, when I steal a few minutes to sit down, I find it difficult to put thought to paper, at least outside of my personal journal.  There are lots of big, huge things going on in our lives, but much of it is not talk-able material yet.  For instance...

I think we are buying a house, yet we are still getting more aggravation than commitment from the bank who has told us they will finance it.  January 30 was the contract signing, yet we're still not sure if we'll be closing next week or if the bank will say no.

We have a foster child who may very well be with us for a long, looong time.  Or, maybe he'll go back to live with his bio family next week.

Shaun and I have some exciting ministry opportunities overseas in the fall...trying to decide on some very preliminary logistics for that.

The calendar says Spring arrived, but, darn-it-all, its freezing and has flurried most of the day today....and we've still got inches of snow covering the ground.

To make everything a little more interesting, we're in the middle of tax season and Easter production time.  This means Shaun and I do what I picture speed dating to be....talking about really important things in a short amount of time.  Like, short.  I have to admit, the ridiculousness of it has gotten to be somewhat comical.  Its also made me thankful for the solid foundation our marriage has...its been tested! :)

So, since I can't talk about what's really going on in our lives, I thought I'd share some photos from the other day.

When I saw the first one, I thought, wow...Amanda's so pretty and her bangs are really looking good.
And then I couldn't help but dig up some from September, when we were at the very beginning of The Bang saga.  She only posed for this picture, because she was showing off her new-to-her shirt.  But!

 That same evening.....Amanda getting in the car this way just sums her up so well.  There is no "thinking outside the box" for her.  She dwells outside.

And speaking of the Easter production, I took a little clip from the kids practicing last night.  All four of mine are in it, but this one is so you can see Aiden, who just came on the scene...get it?  :)

(My two are the ones with barefeet.  You know those moms who always seem to have it all together and their children are always prepared?  Yeah...I'm not one of them. :)

Opening night is tomorrow and we'll do FIVE shows.  We'd love to have you join us if you're able!


  1. Such a busy, full season for you! You handle it with so much grace, I'm sure.

    What a production!!! I'm sure it will bless many while praising Him.

    Amanda never fails to make me smile. :)

  2. Amanda is lovely - and lively :) That picture of Aiden with the flowers - it looks like he's just said "Charge!" And I have no idea why but it makes me think of Monty Python. Ha!

    Wow lots of big stuff going on. I'll bet the stress-o-meter is in the sky right now!

  3. Amanda, getting in the car? SO her! Mason and I both enjoyed the clip of Aiden. He did great!


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