Sunday, December 8, 2019

Project 365, Week 47

This felt like a mostly normal week, which is so nice to have! With soccer and baseball completely done, our pace eased up a bit.

November 18
Amanda made cookies for the new neighbors that never made it to the new neighbors. Sugar flies off the shelves in this house.

November 19
Sweetest boy. He's on the bus before his friends so he has the freedom to wave to me and blow kisses until he's out of sight. It won't always be this way so for now I'm grateful.

November 20
Everyday life.

November 21
It was so lovely and mild, I spent part of the morning doing fall cleanup.

November 22
Lisa, what are your hobbies? What do you do in your spare time? I collect children, apparently. ;)

Shaun and the girls were here and there and Aiden really stepped up to help me.

November 23
Morning snuggles.

After casual observation of Aiden and Gavin playing, Dakota learned how to shoot people and also how to fall dead. Awesome.

The afternoon was spent at Amy and Colombo's house for our annual Thanksgiving-before-Thanksgiving tradition, now in its 15th year! Its always such a special day of family, food and football. Amy always does an extraordinary job putting everything together.

Chatting, dancing and a shoot out, all in the same room at the same time. :)

November 24
After listening to the soundtrack many dozens of times, Amanda really wanted to see Mamma Mia. The story line is "mature" so I wanted to see it with her so we could talk through it. I got tickets with a local theater company for her 13th birthday. It worked out to be a very special time together and we had some great conversations. I don't always understand this child of mine but I love her dearly.

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