Monday, June 23, 2008

The Excellent Wife, Ch 13

Biblical Submission...Basis of the Wife's Protection

"Submission is the way that all Christians should respond to God and the way the wife should respond to her husband. She can respond with tenderness, gentleness and gracious obedience or she can respond with harshness or irritation."

Although the topic of submission has been covered, I think this chapter went deeper into it, emphasizing "But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything" Ephesians 5:24

The author points out that the verb "be subject to" in the Greek is a military term which means to be ranked under in military order. "This ranking of the wife under the husband's authority was sovereignly chosen by God so that there will be order and harmony in the home."

I've never been in the military, but I've read enough and seen enough to know that there is order because each rank is clearly defined and followed.

Because I trust my husband and he is wise and godly, this picture of order means safety and protection to me. Shaun is the leader in our home, but that doesn't mean he is a dictator. Actually, he consults me on any major or semi-major decision. He is happy for my feedback and input and is always respectful in seeking out my thoughts on a matter. From our history together, I can also rely on the confidence I've gained from watching him put my needs and the needs of our children first in the decisions he makes.

Usually I am thankful to submit to the covering that Shaun is to our family. I need to make sure I am being joyfully obedient and that my life and my actions are glorifying God. Eleven specific ways a wife is not submissive to her husband were listed, here are a couple:

  • She argues or pouts or gives him the cold shoulder when she does not get her own way. Proverbs 21:9
  • She directly defies his wishes. I Samuel 15:23
  • She worries about the decisions he makes and takes matters into her own hands. Philippians 4:7 & 8
  • She does not pay attention to what he says. James 1:19
  • She does not discipline the children as she should (even after her husband asks her to). Proverbs 29:15

After reading this list, I realized I have not yet "arrived" in the area of submission, however, I truly want God's heart in all areas of my life.


  1. Great list....and I'm quite sure none of us has arrived yet, most of all me!

  2. Thank you for your post. As I read Peace list in the book, I started wondering what happened to the 'obey' part in marriage vows...we either say and don't understand it, or we choose not to say it at all. ??


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