Sunday, October 11, 2009

Project 365, Week 41

October 4
A beautiful Sunday fall afternoon calls for a game of tag-football. Shaun, his brothers and a couple friends like to go up to the local highschool to play. The kids and I went too so we could get some fresh air and enjoy the day.

October 5
Shaun took Avery to dance class etc, so the little guys and I went for a walk (oh, the dog, too). Its so much easier to take two than three!

October 6
It appears from my pictures this week that we are spending as much time as we can outside. That's because the weather turns fast and ugly here in New England and we know each 60+ degree could be our last for a very loooong time. I wasn't trying to do it at the time, but it looks like Amanda's legs go with Aiden's head and torso. He, he.

October 7
New camera day, so the girls and I went out while Daddy worked on the "park" in our backyard.
October 8
We visited Shaun's grandfather and had a surprise visit from Cousin Alayna, who is 8 weeks younger than Aiden. We think they look alike, but it could just be that they are babies with a head of dark hair and chubby cheeks.

October 9
We celebrated my nephew Nathanael's 6th birthday. The kids all had a blast playing Capture the Flag.

October 10
We got to spend some of the day at Shaun's sister's house with part of his family. It was the first time all the cousins on his side had been together, so obviously it was picture worthy.

Amanda 2, holding Aiden 2 mos, big Cousin Jared 10, Avery 4, holding Alayna 1 mo.
There's more great projects at Sara's blog.


  1. the picture on the swing cracked me up!!!

    So funny that 60 to you is a good/warm day.....60 to me is freezing!!!

    I just love that your family is so close and close together. You get to spend a lot of time together, such a blessing!

  2. Your swing picture with Amanda and Aiden is a classic !!! How funny !!!
    So glad your camera came.
    Have a great week!

  3. really cute and beautiful pictures!!

    Have a good start in the new week!

  4. The picture with 2 bodies morphed...priceless! LOL

    And the one with daddy holding her upside down is so cute too.

    I can understand about spending as much time outside as you can. Our weather has already turned colder. It already has me missing Summer.

  5. The one of Aiden with his sister's legs was too funny!

    How great to be able to get together with family. Those times are always special.

    I can totally sympathize with wanting to spend every nice day possible outside!

    Have a great week :-)

  6. Cold here already, but beautiful, when not raining.
    Wonderful to have loving family relationships--cousins, uncles, aunts.... and the opportunity to get together!
    You might want to send your trick photo to this contest:


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