Sunday, April 8, 2012

Project 365, Week 14

He is RISEN!!  Is there any day of the year better for giving thanks than today?  I'm so very, very thankful for the cross, for my salvation and the promise of eternity.  

Why should I gain from His reward?  I cannot give an answer.  But this I know with all my heart...His wounds have paid my ransom.

This week was more subdued than last week, which isn't saying a whole lot.  :)  But seriously, it was a week full of chances to serve and to give God glory....and to be able to do that as a family is such a blessing...its what makes our lives full (and keeps our minds off of ourselves which is the fastest way to happiness, I've found).

There were four performances of Passion of the King this week.  There were ups and downs but ultimately about 1000 people said "yes" to Jesus or recommitted their lives.  And that right there?  Makes it ALL worth it.

April 1
Avery hung this note on the mirror for her sister to see when she woke up.
 April 2
Cousin fun at the park.
 April 3
Aiden was stylin' in this little ensemble he helped put together.  He and I hung out while the girls were doing their voice lesson.

We picked up Z while Avery was at dance and had him overnight.  I dealt with crazy traffic getting through the city at rush around and again the next morning dropping him off before school.  It truly boggles my mind that people do that  In my travels I breathed several prayers for my job that allows (and encourages) a remote office.  Love working in my slippers (not that I own any, but if I did, I sure would be wearing them)!
 April 4
After dropping off Z I took the car to get serviced.  Months ago the dumb dog shredded the seatbelt and we thought it was about time to return our car to a seven-passenger vehicle status.  While the car was there, my sister and I went out to breakfast.

Though we see each other regularly, it rarely involves a whole lot of meaningful, quiet conversation.  This morning it was and it was lovely.
 Shaun had the entire day off so we got to work moving furniture around in order to create an additional bedroom in expectation that Z will be living with us full-time very soon.  It prompted an unplanned, albeit much needed spring cleaning.  I attacked the girls room and the (former) TV room and was so very pleased to have it done.
 April 5
My two favoritest cast members.
April 6
Guess what we did!  :)
 Packing up the show...always bittersweet (more sweet than bitter for me though :).
April 7
Enjoying a lovely day.
 It also happened to be our "Easter Sunday" because we go to church on Saturday nights.  Shaun had to work so just the kids and I went.  I was teaching in Aiden's class so it was a little different.

By far the craziest family Easter picture we've had (to date...ha!)


  1. oh how I have missed those faces!!! Can't wait to be able to sit and catch up!

    Happy Easter, Lisa!!! May God's blessings be clearly evident for you today!

  2. I love Aiden's "ensemble" - he looks quite dapper :)

    I also love how the girls are leaning into Z in the Easter picture - I think your family will be a loving haven for him.


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