Wednesday, June 1, 2011

17 Years Together

A cousin-in-law recently posted this status on Facebook:

Two beautiful young women walked through my front door a little while ago. The blonde one announced that she is now a high school senior. The brunette claims to be a sophomore. They both insist that I am their mother; clearly that is not possible because my girls are still babies and I am only 29!

I feel her pain and I thought of it often yesterday as Shaun and I were celebrating our 17th wedding anniversary.  Seventeen.  I feel not much older than that and so I wonder how it is possible that my highschool sweetheart (well...I was in highschool.  Technically, I'm his college sweetheart, I guess), my boyfriend is now the man that has stood by me for better and worse all these years and is the father of my children.  Seriously doesn't make sense. 

 (my highschool graduation)                                     (17 and 21??)

Along with that confusion, I was also feeling so, so blessed yesterday, as I mentally recounted all the ways God has been faithful to us.  He is good, all the time, and we have seen that up close and personal in our marriage and in our family.
Our day was not what most would consider romantic, but we couldn't have enjoyed it more.  We were short on cash this year....broke, but not poor, and were both facing an intimidating to-do list.  In anticipation of our anniversary, Pop and Kiki had offered to take the kids for us, so we thought we'd take advantage of them being gone and get some work done. 
Shaun took me out to breakfast and then we headed to the homegoods store for flowers, paint and lots of other stuff.  We gave two of our properties some much needed yard TLC.  We rode in the pickup together and had conversations we haven't had in a long time.  We packed it up about 8, got showered and dressed to go out, but our top three choices were closed for the holiday so we settled on take-out grinders and a movie.

Though I enjoy our anniversary trips to Aruba, St. Thomas and the like, this was a perfect way for us to celebrate this year.  So, so grateful for Shaun, God's perfect gift for me.

He answered, "Haven't you read in your Bible that the Creator originally made man and woman for each other, male and female? And because of this, a man leaves father and mother and is firmly bonded to his wife, becoming one flesh—no longer two bodies but one.
Matthew 19:4-5


  1. Happy anniversary! Our anniversaries are usually celebrated without a lot of fanfare - of course we were married in December & there's so much else going on then anyway.

  2. Happy anniversary!!! I think it sounds like the perfect way to celebrate!!

  3. It sounds perfect to me.

    One of our favorite places to go to is Menards.

    Happy Anniversary !!!

  4. That's very sweet. Happy anniversary to you! It warms my heart to hear of other couples in love and chasing after God in their everyday lives. You are blessed indeed! We celebrated our 1st anniversary years ago with a trip to Home Depot to buy a new dishwasher and it still sticks out as a special day in my mind. Just being together and doing life is so cool when you do it with the one you love most. :)

  5. Happy Anniversary! I totally enjoy reading about how in love you are with your husband and how lucky you are to have married your best friend!
    Michelle S.


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